“Beam Me Up Scottie, I Don’t Want to Live Here Anymore”
A Spiritual and Numeric Perspective on Boston
by Alison Baughman
“…and so will the world end, I think, a victim of love rather than hate. For love’s ever been the more destructive weapon, sure.” ? Stephen King, The Dark Tower
At times like these, we can be overwhelmed by hopelessness and despair and wonder if the human race will ever evolve to a place of love and peace. Sometimes we have to step on the soul plane to understand a senseless tragedy like the events that unfolded yesterday in Boston and I invite you to journey with me there.
If we were to look at a beggar on the street, we would tend to think we are doing them a favor by dropping our change into their hat, but in all truth, if we looked at the same beggar from the soul plane, we might see that the beggar is actually doing us a favor by offering us an opportunity to be kind. Who is to say which person in this scenario is the more highly evolved being? The beggar offers the opportunity to cultivate kindness to countless people in the streets of a busy city on a daily basis.
Boston offers us the same opportunity and in that, perhaps we can see the purpose of such events. We have been given an opportunity to offer love, kindness and compassion.
If you do not live in the Boston area, you can feel helpless to offer assistance but certainly, you can offer prayers of love and healing. The more prayers offered, the stronger the effect. You can also simply do a random act of kindness for a stranger in homage to the people of Boston. It can be your contribution to raising the vibration of this planet more in alignment with love not hate.
Love can conquer evil.
2013 is a 6 Universal Year. ( 2+0+1+3=6)
From my 2013 Predictions: ( published January 2013) We can expect it to be the year where injustices are addressed because the 6 is often considered to be the “righter of wrongs” and the “champion for the underdog”. It will be the year where the underprivileged, impoverished and disadvantaged receive attention and the help they need. Charity, love and compassion are strong vibrations in a 6 year. We should welcome opportunities to be of service to others in any way we can. By doing so, you will be rewarded with many blessings.
And so it is.
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Alison Baughman first discovered Numerology as a child, studied it for a lifetime and began her professional career as a Numerologist in 1999. Today, Alison is a professional Numerologist, Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master, author, lecturer, and was the host of Visible By Numbers, a weekly Internet talk show on BBS Radio. For more information, or to schedule Alison for an interview, please visitvisiblebynumbers/contact. html or email alison@visiblebynumbers .com.

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