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Bridging the Spiritual Gap

Bridging the Spiritual Gap

In the Afterword of author Raymond Buckland’s book entitled, “Book of Spirit Communications,” he encourages us to be open to contacts of the spiritual kind stating, “I strongly believe that we all have the capability within us to make contact; to bridge the gap between this level and the next.”

The book can be used as a learning tool. It presents lessons in various kinds of spiritual contact and exploration that can serve to open some of those doors of awareness, which bridge that gap between ‘here’ and ‘there.’ Buckland is kind enough to include some of the fraudulent ‘tricks’ used over the years to take advantage of people.

Perhaps it is the idea of taking advantage that bothers me most when it comes to spirit communications. As a writer, I find myself in agreement with the line quoted from Buckland’s book, and feel that each of us holds unique, spiritual gifts that we can either choose to ignore, enhance, utilize and share on a regular basis. When it comes to taking advantage, however, it makes me very uncomfortable.

There are many people in the world today who make a living by helping others, thanks in large part to their spiritual connection. If we think about it, traveling our spiritual road in this physical life is what helps us remain close to the very essence of creation deep inside we know best. Being altruistic and showing compassion and support to others does have a way of coming back around to us. Taking advantage, however, does not.

This is where a number of us understand that deeper connection with spirit and our communications of any kind are part of the wondrous possibilities we have to experience. Messages come freely, naturally, and are there for us if we are paying attention and seeking them out. Any success we may realize is subject to change, just like any other aspect of life.

When it comes to bridging the gap between the spiritual and material levels, many of us can see the difference between those who ‘have’ and those who ‘have not.’ By this, I mean the financial success that we have held as the primary measurement standard up to this point. It is a way to highlight the influence that spirit does have on our physical lives.

Surely, there are many people who are financially poor who hold a humble sense of pride and integrity because of their ‘wealth of spirit.’ These folks may not have a lot to show, yet they care deeply about others and doing the right thing. On the other hand, we vilify many very ‘rich’ people as examples of selfish ego and greed. While these folks are busy working and gathering material wealth, their spiritual connection is seen by many as questionable. It is as if we are holding them accountable for their actions, which show us how “not” to be.

We can continue to deny that there is any connection between the spiritual realm and this one–that we are “not bridges” between this level and the next. However, this kind of ignorance ‘takes advantage’ of people. There are those who profit by encouraging us to ‘follow’ a particular line of material thinking that is very narrow, limiting, restrictive, and fearful.

Those of us who understand that we “are” bridges of connection are able to see the greater possibilities that exist not only here but elsewhere. We can inspire, lead, and explore life in a more expansive and collaborative way that helps the roots of our collective heritage to grow and thrive instead of being weeded out.

See Also

The meaning we give to words and how we utilize language does enhance the realm of spirit in our present existence. Communication does serve as a bridge, and how well we utilize it can connect our life with that of others, here and elsewhere. We see the restriction of spirit in any way for the sham and folly it is, eventually. It detracts our human dignity, injuring our essence.

Let us all be bridges of spirit and cross that gap with regularity and respect.

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