Claire Zammit: Awakening the Co-creative Feminine
After a particularly painful night, what she calls her “deep dark night of the soul,” Claire made the radical decision to act as if she trusted that her ability to thrive personally and professionally would be supported by the universe. Within the year that followed, she met and began teaching with Katherine Woodward Thomas, MA, MFT, now the co-creator of Feminine Power. During that same year, Claire met her soulmate, spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton, who is now her life partner and husband.
Fast forward to today, Claire’s life is barely recognizable. Now running a multi-million dollar online learning company that she co-founded with her husband in 2009, she is working with the top leaders in the transformational world. Perhaps more importantly, she adds, she feels “deeply supported, self-expressed, and fully aligned with my personal destiny path.”
Like so many of her students, Claire credits the profound changes she’s been able to make in her life to the Feminine Power principles and practices she teaches to the tens of thousands of women who respond to her and Katherine’s teachings each year. “I use the principles and practices I teach in my own life every day. They have completely changed my life,” she says. “Most days I wake up and feel like I need to pinch myself because everything that I most deeply desired has come to be in my life.”
According to Claire and Katherine’s teachings, which have attracted over 100,000 women to their online events and courses, the painful gap women are experiencing between their potentials and the reality of their daily lives is the result of women sourcing the wrong kind of power to create the things they are now yearning for the most. For the last 50 years women have been mastering a logical, linear masculine power system, which has empowered them to create those things that are predictable and controllable.
As a result of this masculine power system, women have more education, more money, more success, and more understanding of their “issues,” however, masculine power hasn’t given them access to the ability to create those things that can’t be controlled with a strategic, step-by-step plan. For instance, masculine power hasn’t allowed women to create those things their heart and soul are aching for, such as true love, intimacy, spiritual connection, self-expression, creativity, right livelihood, or the fulfilment of their destiny or higher calling. All of these require the awakening of a different power system, a feminine version of power.
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