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Claire Zammit: Awakening the Co-creative Feminine

Claire Zammit: Awakening the Co-creative Feminine

Claire Zammit

“Women often assume that their unhappiness means that they’ve done something wrong, or that they haven’t done enough. That’s not true. Women are accomplishing so much, but still feeling unfulfilled,” Claire says. According to Feminine Power, women’s unhappiness is not a personal failure — it’s the result of women living in a culture organized around masculine values. “In the end masculine power isn’t sufficient for women” she explains. “We need the feminine and the masculine to really thrive in our lives and feel successful and fulfilled.”

To begin awakening the feminine, she adds, it’s helpful for women to understand their relationship with masculine and feminine energies. Taking some deep, calming breaths, women can often get a clearer sense of how they have been relating to the masculine and feminine by saying masculine words out loud — words like control, structure, goal – – and then seeing how their bodies respond. Then repeat that exercise, this time saying feminine words like flow, surrender, nurturing, and noticing what they experience in their bodies, whether it’s some kind of resistance or tightness, pleasant sensations like relief, or other. This simple exercise can help women to understand their assumptions around the masculine and the feminine. Many of us have been taught to see the feminine as weak, others have seen the masculine as invasive or confining. “So often,” Claire explains, “women have relied too heavily on the masculine or the feminine. The goal is to balance out their energies, and integrate the feminine with the masculine.”

Through the Feminine Power teachings, women are able to step into a fuller version of their own power, one that naturally blends their masculine and feminine energies. In making that profound shift, they begin to close the gap between their potentials and their daily reality more quickly. As a result, they’re able to create better relationships, new careers that reflect their gifts and passions, achieve higher levels of prosperity, improve their health, and more.

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Kari is one of many students who have become evangelistic about the impact Feminine Power has had on her. “The Feminine Power 7-week course was what ultimately catapulted me out of doing a full-time job that I dreaded with my small coaching practice on the side, into running my practice as a full-time job… I am happy to say that one year after completing their course, I have not only manifested the career of my dreams, helping world-changing entrepreneurs to launch their businesses, but I’ve also called in my soul mate!” she shares.

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