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Dealing with Trauma: Medicate or Meditate

Dealing with Trauma: Medicate or Meditate

By Gurutej Khalsa

This last week was laced with death meetings. The first one happened when I was rollerblading up this hill. I was about three quarters from the top when a car ran a stop light at about 60 mph and took flight coming right at me complete with sparks coming out of the car. It was twisting right and left in its airborne flight coming right at me. My Guides and Angels had me jump the curb and duck as I watched very neutrally knowing if it rolled upon landing, I would not be writing this to you, for the street was banked my way. It landed with parts flying in every direction and kept on with its mad journey. One car full of these very sweet Rasta boys, who had seen the entire event from above came by to check and see if I was okay. They asked in very slow halting voices, “Are you okay?” I wanted to say if you thought it was crazy from above you should have seen it from below. I was fine. My nervous system was not. I thanked them and proceeded to carry on doing one more hill till I felt my nerves start to buckle. Trauma!

How many times each day do we hit these kinds of really crazy traumas? They may not look as theatrical as this one but they do have huge impact on our systems. We call them stressors, but they are really SUPER stressors. They are meeting some kind of death or extreme loss and shaking hands with it, then being set free. A job loss, a really sick spouse or child, a financial crash, personal or global, and on and on. We could list millions more instances. Each person can handle a different level of stress before something topples the castle. So what do we do? We can medicate or meditate.

I will share with you what I did since I came back into the house and 1 hour later had to lead a teleseminar on “How to manage change in these challenging times.” I had to manage my own state of challenges first. I took Rescue Remedy. If you don’t know this little gem, Google it. Great stuff. Then I did these two things.

Claw Dance

Two steps for radiant, charismatic energy

Round and tighten fingers in long clawed-like hands.

Come up tall on your toes swinging the arms out to the sides and up over the head in a big arc motion.  Breathe in on the way up while saying “WHO”. Next, squat down while the arms are swinging downward in a big arc. Exhale saying “LA” on the way down. Keep repeating these 2 steps.

Round up and tighten fingers to mimic long claws.

Starting tall on tiptoes, swing the arms up over the head in a big arc motion.  Inhale on the way up while saying “WHO”.

Exhale saying “LA” while squatting down and swinging the arms down in a big arc.

Keep repeating these 2 steps.

1-2 minutes


Strengthens thighs and increases energy. Replenishes your energy field and expands awareness. Helps clears the mind when facing challenges.

Follow this up with a chaser, not the bottle of wine. My friend thought I was going to say wine when I told her I drank a ½ bottle of Rescue Remedy. I don’t drink alcohol, I drink internal nectar. This next technique is the chaser I used. It gives you that state of Ahhh.

Sitali Breath

Breathe out that stress…

See Also

Roll the tongue and stick it past your lips. If you cannot roll it, just make an “O” shape with your mouth with the tongue protruding slightly beyond the lips. Breathe in deeply through the mouth. Exhale slowly through the nose emptying the lungs all the way.

1-2 minutes


The best anti-stress breath available. The breath passing over the wet tongue creates a cooling effect.

After my seminar I remembered to take Calcium, drink lots of chlorophyll, ate lots of celery or celery juice, B vitamins, took a warm lavender bath, then meditate and slept. These are ways to take the trauma right out of the system. It worked for me plus swimming, water internally and externally neutralizes the stress. These are great notes to keep for we all have varying degrees of traumas each day. Good things to teach your children and share with friends. Where will you post this so you have this when you need it? Buy the components and keep them handy for you and others. This is your little white trauma kit.

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Gurutej Khalsa The Energy Guru

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