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HSP, Empath, and the “Clairs”

HSP, Empath, and the “Clairs”


An HSP or highly sensitive person is a person having the trait of high sensory processing sensitivity.

The HSP and Gifts

As an HSP, you are connected to the collective unconscious. You tap into the source from time to time, some people more often than others. How do you step into the flow? To start with, you must believe that your natural abilities have never left you. They have just gone dormant, waiting for you to step back into the flow again. Stepping into the flow and connecting to Source can be achieved in different ways, including meditation, yoga, listening to music, connecting to nature. You are special, unique and individual and so will be the expression of your gifts. Start with the abilities you already recognize within yourself and grow from there.

An HSP or highly sensitive person is a person having the trait of high sensory processing sensitivity (or innate sensitiveness) as Carl Jung originally coined it. According to Elaine N. Aron and colleagues as well as other researchers, highly sensitive people, who comprise about a fifth of the population (equal numbers in men and women), may process sensory data much more deeply and thoroughly due to a biological difference in their nervous system (Wikipedia).

An Empath, goes a bit further (Wikipedia), by “observing another person’s emotional state, activates parts of the neuronal network involved in processing that same state in oneself, whether it is disgust, touch, or pain”. Empaths have the ability to scan another’s energy for thoughts, feelings and possibly for past, present, and future life occurrences.


HSP and Clairsentience:

You can feel or sense a person’s emotional layers and physical ailments through your Heart Chakra. Tuning in and learning to listen to your body’s response to things can be challenging. There is no visual experience attached, this is about actually FEELING something. Clairsentients feel or sense how another person is emotionally and at times, physically. Untrained empaths tend to take on other’s feelings as their own; learning how to control this ability is a necessity for your health and well-being.  Thus inner work and healing must be done first so that you are strong and have the awareness to help others without attaching to their emotions.

Before you can use your gifts to help others you must master:

  1. Shielding and protection from other’s energy.
  2. How to cleanse your energy field.
  3. How to recognize what belongs to you and what belongs to someone else.


HSP and Clairaudience:

You are hearing a voice from your higher self or from Spirit. This “clair” is about listening after you ask a question.  You have the answer. You just have to learn to listen to the voice that can guide you. Hearing in this way is quieter than hearing someone in the physical – it can be very quiet like a thought or it can be loud, as if someone is standing in front of you.  If clairaudience is one of your natural intuitive gifts, your higher self and spirit guides will use mostly clairaudient means to communicate with you.


HSP and Claircognizance:

“Clear Knowing” This is when you just know something, without any evidence.  This is most frequent among men. It is a sense of just knowing what it going on, you have an inherent sense that you’re right but you can’t explain it. This “clair” can be hard to distinguish, for there is no emotion attached as there is with clairsentience.  The information, the ‘knowing’, is often brushed off as logic. A developed claircognizant can predict future events beyond the scope of time.


HSP and Clairvoyance:

See Also
wish manifestation OMTimes

“Clear seeing” This “clair” is the ability to see past, present, future events, and angels, spirits, deceased persons, visions, past lives etc. by using our third eye. Images presented in your mind’s eye can be difficult to describe since it seems to vary between people.  It may be described as seeing a movie, or a series of pictures strung together, others get flashes of images and symbols.  The picture and the meaning are unique to the person having the vision. This is why it’s challenging to try to interpret a vision or even a dream for someone else.  It’s easy to dismiss clear seeing as just our imagination, daydream or seeing something in the corner-of-our-eye. If your third eye is opening up after being dormant, it will need a little time to get up and running again.

Strengthen clairvoyance by:

  1. Regular meditation
  2. Connecting with your spirit guides
  3. Keep a journal of your ‘daydreams’ and any visual ‘thoughts’ and see if they have a hidden message or are events that come to pass.

Work with the abilities you already recognize and be aware of others that seem to be dormant. There are many books on the subject and some awesome teachers that are easily accessible. The unseen world is all around. You are connected and can tap into it at will, through practice and developing your gifts as an HSP.


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About the Author

Lynn Zambrano has worked professionally as a nurse on a psychiatric crisis unit. While working as a nurse she studied energy healing and further developed her intuitive gifts. As an energy intuitive counselor, she helps others by breaking through perceived barriers, finding inner wisdom, clarity of mind, and inner strength. Twitter and Facebook, or email her at  You can also visit Lynn at

View Comments (4)
  • On the higher level of being / consciousness we are all consisting of the same – divine – substance / stuff. We are all SOULS, children of God. But the “civilized society” is alienated to this knowledge / wisdom – caused by the Collective Civilization Neurosis (CCN) which started 1000s of years ago by a collective trauma to a group of humans, may be a tribe or nation or several of those.

    CCN is THE disease of society, of which also the Holy Scriptures talk – rather intensively – starting with Adam and his wives, Cain and Abel, etc. Then Moses gives a description in the story of the “Dance around the golden calf”, which may be understood as historic report and / or as a vision, as prophecy for the future, for our time now.
    Also Jesus, crucified, commented the disease: “… they don’t know, what they do.”

    But the Bible contains also the hints for the steps of the BASICAL HEALING, to be made the quite natural way: By change of consciousness (level), from “ego” (the “consciousness” of MATTER), to the “higher / true self”, the REAL / TRUE consciousness (of SPIRIT POWER).

    Humans choose their identity by IDENTIFICATION – either with “matter” or with “spirit” (soul). They ought to be informed until beginning of puberty, that these two levels exist and that it is wise to CHANGE to the higher level. Also because the human does not really rule himself and his life when identified with matter / “ego”, because the “ego” dominates – and the only “tool” / “power”, the “ego” can dispose of: FEAR.

    Only the “higher / true self”, the higher consciousness, IS the BETTER power: LOVE. And the individual can dispose of this cosmic power when unified / identified with it.

    Kind regards!

  • “Clear Knowing” This is when you just know something, without any evidence. This is most frequent among men. – LOL and did you come up with the assumption? Most frequent among men? I think you are very wrong here. Clear Knowing is strong in both sexes equally. I would say, women are stronger at it because they don’t rely on their egos so much…

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