OMTimes Weekly Astrology Forecast for April 8-14, 2013

Life is erupting like popcorn right now. Kernels of creativity, passion and drive are exploding willy-nilly. Others are heating up and will burst when least expected in the coming weeks. The languor and confusion of late winter has given way to a pace so quickened that it’s borderline out-of-control.
We’re very much in initiating and new-growth mode, setting sparks, ideas and projects in motion that will only evolve and blossom. These metaphoric seeds have a primal drive to flourish and on an accelerated schedule to boot, as if they’ve been dosed with thermo-nuclear, radioactive strength, cosmic Miracle-Gro. Some of them have been building strength for months, a year, even years, which only adds to the pressure and excitement behind their emerging.
True, it’s not all new business. Some cleaning up of the old is still going on. The next six weeks will bring a flurry of closings, profound shifts of attitude and situations, permanent departures, abrupt endings and the like. They will not be the focus, though. Their purpose will be make room for the new growth.
The process is much like when a gardener removes debris and dead plants from a garden and thins out seedlings so that the new plants don’t have to compete for space and nutrients. Only, in our case, with a tad more emotion. Okay, maybe lots more emotion. Still, the point remains: the clearing is to further the new, not obsess over the old.
Besides, we don’t have much time for the past. We’re making like the White Rabbit and dashing about muttering, “I’m late. I’m late, for a very important date.”
All of these characteristics intensify this week. By the weekend, the sign of Aries will reach capacity, with all the inner planets, the Sun and Uranus crowding around (or in) the flames. The bonfire is roaring to its maximum height and shooting passions, tempers, enthusiasm and gumption up and off the charts. All kinds of matters, big and little alike, that have been percolating or stalling or lurking in who knows where are coming to life. It’s as if booster rockets are firing in quick succession and catapulting everything forward. (Yes, I know: how many metaphors can I cram in one forecast? Apparently one a paragraph, if not one a sentence.)
Wednesday’s Aries New Moon — the first of the spring — imprints this boisterous, life-enhancing energy onto the entire season. Last weekend’s fiery date between Venus and Mars fuels the mix. What ignited within you? It won’t go out quickly or easily. This New Moon occurs so close to the embers (in some cases, still-burning fires) that it will keep them glowing for the next three months. (Read more in my moon cast, which will be posted by Tuesday.)
Friday Pluto stations for his annual retrograde. As the agent of deep level, unavoidable change does an about face, he will be begin backing into his next clash with Uranus, the agent of sudden and unforeseeable change. The metaphoric roots and structures that Pluto loosens now will snap, break, collapse or fracture when the two change agents square off again at the end of May.
On Saturday, the ruler of communication and transportation, Mercury, emerges at last from all that water in Pisces and joins the gang in the fire of Aries. Brains will lunge back into gear. Words will come easily, exuberantly, quickly, impulsively. People will be running here and there at a moment’s notice. Prepare to think and live absolutely in the moment. And not be bored.
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*For another take on this week’s events, listen to Kathy Biehl’s five-minute podcast . Love the podcast, share the stars on iTunes, under Religion & Spirituality.
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Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.