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Sun, Venus in Taurus: NOW is the perfect time to GROUND

Sun, Venus in Taurus: NOW is the perfect time to GROUND

By Cindy Morris

Grounding is one of most important tools you have in your intuitive toolbox, and your magic carpetbag of tricks to keep you most effectively in your power, free of anxiety and stress.

GROUNDING is the number one tool to master. Grounding  is easy to learn.  Ground frequently during your day. The more stressful are your life circumstances, the more you need to ground. In times of extreme stress you can ground moment to moment.

No better time to practice GROUNDING yourself than as the Sun moves into the first earth sign of the Zodiac, Taurus. The Sun’s LOVE consort, Venus, is in Taurus now as well. Venus rules the sensual sign of Taurus and is at home there, expressing her loving, warming nature in this time of Spring’s rebirth in the northern hemisphere.

To ground yourself you want to envision a big root, like a tree root, extending down from the base of your spine, your first chakra, way down into the core of the Earth. See those roots extend many feet past the outline of your body. Connecting to the core of the EARTH is the easiest way for you to calm and center yourself, no matter what may be happening around you.

Want to learn more about grounding, checkout John Corsa’s Reclaim Your Intuition course

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See Also
2019 Virgo Full Moon OMTimes

Cindy Morris, msw,  is a practicing astrologer and writer for over 30 years. She is the author of Priestess Entrepreneur: Success is an Inside Job , co-author of Reclaim Your Intuition, The LOVE Books,  and numerous short memoir stories. Cindy has a Masters in Social Work, has run a successful flower shop, was raised in the Bronx and now lives in Boulder, CO where she collaborates with intuitive healer and crystologist, John Corsa in their Ignite Your Soul Potential transformational work.

Learn more about Cindy by visiting:

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