The Dream Oracle: Dreams of Windows and Mirrors
By Meredith Smith
Mirrors are the reflection of all aspects of our Self, within the physical and as a soul, in both waking and dreaming. Standing in front of a mirror peering into it may reflect your musing and seeking within. However, mirrors represent not only a mirroring of our physical and inner self, but they also reflect our concerns on how others may observe us. When looking into the mirror are you revealing your true nature or are you trying to get a glimpse of how others perceive you?
If the reflection you see creates an upbeat and positive feeling within you, then your connection with your inner self is as strong as your connection with your external self. If the reflection you see is cracked, distorted, or blurry then it may suggest that you have a tendency to distort how you imagine others perceive you. Maybe the warped mirror echoes how you allow others to perceive you. To clear a mirror from being distorted or blurry, find ways to reconnect with all the aspects of your Self – healing, meditation, or journeying are amazing ways to reach the center of your soul and become familiar with all aspects of positive and negative attributes.
Sometimes we may discover our mirror is double-sided. This may represent how critical you are of yourself, however, it is quite possible that you are showcasing two opposite sides of yourself. Is it healthy to be two faces at once? Are two sides of your personality conflicting or mirroring each other?
Other dreamers find themselves in front of a mirror faced with not seeing their own reflection, this may represent the dreamer losing their purpose and losing their way. Whose path are you on, is it your own or someone else’s? Have you wandered off your path? Once you have the strength look again in the mirror and ask to see yourself.
If you see a reflection not of yourself but of items or objects that are familiar or unfamiliar you may be attached to the material. Are you grasping on to the wrong things in life? It is best not to identify yourself as material objects but rather as a true and spiritual and physical being.
A mirror in a dream can also represent an oracle or a slideshow of your past and present in order to predict (or see) your future. It is possible for a mirror to show a reflection of the path you are currently walking down.
When confronted with a mirror what is it that you see and feel?
Windows help us see clearly at what we are surrounded by; they bring in sun and sky light, and showcase what the day and night are offering us. Windows beckon us to go outside and they close us indoors if we feel comfort can be gained internally at that moment. However, windows also echo all feelings and thoughts that keep residence within our body, mind, and soul. They show us the world externally and faintly reflect our bubble internally.
Glazing out of a window usually suggests a reflection of the dreamer’s inner thoughts and desires. Upon waking from a dream ask yourself; “what is it I see out the window? Is there a calm and peaceful beauty in the scenery?” This may suggest your ability to remain aware and conscious with yourself and others that surround you. This dream window may also suggest to you that the world has something to offer. Step out of your bubble and step outside.
If the scenery outside is darker or the weather is severe or grave this may suggest some difficulties you are facing or will be in the near future. Call in your guides to help you through the intense times you may encounter. By recognizing and acknowledging what you see out the window is the beginning of the changes you are capable of making within your life. The moment you accept a dream as truth, is the moment you have begun cultivating it to be true. Sometimes by stepping outside to embrace the fog or storm changes everything from dark to light.
Cracked, shattered, or broken windows in dreams tend to represent something in the dreamer’s life that has not been fixed or has been ignored for too long. What are you not taking care of within your life that is causing you to miss the opportunities that surround you?
If the window is covered up and you are unable to see outside, this may suggest a desire for seclusion. Is there an aspect of you that feels a need to retreat from something; such as, the world, your life, family or loved ones? Know that this is a time to heal whatever it is that ills you, we all need moments throughout the year to cleanse, recharge, and turn inward.
If you are trying to open the window in your dream and it is tightly shut this may be signaling to you that you are feeling trapped or alone. Do you feel someone abandoned you? Or maybe you have forsaken some part of your Self? During these times when we try to escape and are unable to it is best to stop for a moment and instead of struggling to open the shut window be present with the closed window. Sit beside the window, clean and tend to the window, spend time gazing out of the window, imagine the window opening on its own Are you allowing the window to remain closed out of fear?
Seeing more than one window in your dream suggests choices, hopes, and possibilities that will be arriving or that are being presented. Open all the windows and allow the warm breeze and light to drift through.
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Meredith Smith is a Dream Intuitive, Author of DreamWorkers Behind the Veil; Night Shift Dreams, and offers Distance Reiki Sessions / Remote Viewing sessions. Meredith is an astral traveler and dream translator existing on the boundary line of waking and dreamtime ~ she speaks in dreams.
To learn more about dreams, dream guides, afterlife communication, DreamWorkers, Night Shift Dreams, Spirits of our past & future, and Reiki & Energy Healing visit

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