The Incredible Power of Energy Healing!

By Judi Lynch
As we progress in our spiritual evolution by raising our vibrational energy levels, we discover something quite miraculous. The incredible power of energy healing on the body, mind and spirit is increasing at a rapid rate. We are practicing the concepts that bring us the knowledge to spark our brains into action. Through this insight we are truly progressing and moving forward. More people are discovering the ability to channel themselves to good health and spiritual wellness.
Through countless methods and modalities, activation has accelerated and the channeling connections are being made. The etheric energy surround our bodies is responding to our requests and we are taking better care of ourselves. We know that what we put into our bodies and minds matter and we have combined our good intentions to manifest miraculous healings. Healing the body of once thought incurable disease with the power of our thoughts! Conquering depression and anxiety with the touch of energy from Heaven bringing back the joyous thoughts we were all born to experience. Our cells are responding to our thoughts and leaving behind that which was once inherited by family biology and unchangeable.
All over the World for centuries, humans have practiced many forms of spirituality and holistic healing. Many times this culture and knowledge was lost over the need to control the forces of energy being channeled and govern the information coming in by those who wanted all the power for themselves. We can compare this with our modern day situations. We have witnessed how the need for material things and financial gain has corrupted people. They became filled with greed and the need to control. There is no other way for man to learn but to experience. We have been building this house of ascension since we first came here. The difference now is that we have more knowledge and better tools!
We have now evolved to the point of or proving we can change our human biology by transmuting our thoughts to the etheric level. We are creating the mental particles that manifest into healing light energy that lifts our physical bodies into the next dimension; this is changing our very cell structure! Metaphysical Science of the most inspiring kind is knocking at everyone’s door. More people are walking through that door every day. Changing their minds about why we are here, wanting to know the reasons why, and wanting to feel that energy which brings in that healing light. Every time that happens, the collective energy of every one is raised by one more energy field of light adding to the vibration. Truly amazing!
If you have ever been in a room full of spiritually minded people praying and asking for healing, you have no doubt felt, heard or seen this energy coming through in a magnified force. It is an experience that stays with you forever. It would stand to reason also that not only do we each have our own body chemistry but we also have our own spiritual chemistry. An idea for one person may not make sense, but for another, their way of meditation and spiritual connection complete a connection for them and helps them to ultimately heal from anything. It can be an instant healing or take several years. It is happening because our consciousness is letting it in.
We were born to have hope, a reason to be here, to understand more and now we are responding. Our mental perceptions of the Other Side and the Universe are coming into focus. Our senses are waking up to every possibility available to us through our endless creations in light and love.
You have no need to travel anywhere – journey within yourself. Enter a mine of rubies and bathe in the splendor of your own Light. ~Rumi
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Judi Lynch is a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Adviser, Healing Energy Channel, Author and Teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit charity dedicated to Healing. Her book “Friends with Lights, A True Story” is available on Amazon and she is also a Featured Columnist for OM Times Magazine. To read more and contact for a reading/healing session or to schedule a private workshop:

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.