A Daily Look Within – Day 0
Balance: Elemental Contemplations
By Kathy Custren
Discovering balance in our lives may best be done by getting back to basics. What makes us who we are, and how we can best find health and healing, can be aided by looking at our essential elements.
Back in 2007, having experienced a variety of painful physical and mental difficulties, I wrote a manuscript, “Elemental Contemplations,” that became a devotional study exploring the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit in a personal and prayerful way. It was finished in July, 2008, and shared online with friends. It is time to share it with you over the next few weeks as part of the 30-day mindfulness challenge.
Your own interaction and awareness of the elements is a key component of how much you get out of the next 30 days. Each week will focus on one elemental area, with daily topics and messages that will elicit your own elemental contemplations in order to bring each into balance by week’s end. At the end of the month, we will then look at key lessons learned over the four weeks in each elemental area. I hope you enjoy it, and welcome your comments now and with each lesson that serves to help you understand a mindful and balanced way to be.
Without all our trappings of life, what are we human beings but full of Air in our lungs, Water in our blood, carbon/Earth through our body, Fire in our hearts and minds, and connected by our Spirit and soul to everything else that also exists. As we individually come to realize certain things and grow to “know” and become enlightened, part of the process is to consider and learn as much as we can about the most basic things and apply them and what we learn from them to our own lives.
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