A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 0

We are all connected to that divine guidance, the inner divining rod that points us to the right path that has less resistance, that moves more freely, seemingly without effort, with the will of the Universe to conspire with you to co-create your dreams, and your soul’s desires.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be in the right place at the right time, to know just the right thing that will make the pieces fall into place? To suddenly be bestowed the perfect opportunities to remove obstacles, and clear the way to make your dreams come true?
When we are connected to the divine guidance within us, we have that ability to speak to our Higher Self and connect to All That Is easily. This universal knowledge has the keys to making our life easier and seemingly produces miraculous results in propelling us on our life’s path and helps us fulfill our life’s purpose.
So what is inner divine guidance? It is your intuition. You were given inner divine guidance in the form of your intuition as part of being human. For most people, they feel they aren’t very intuitive or an intuitive message is a random event. This is because we haven’t yet learned how to develop our intuitive skills, which everyone has. Intuition is our inner voice where our epiphanies and inspirations come from. When you harness the power of your inner voice you can use it, at will, to call on when you need its guidance.

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