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Arielle Ford: 3 Keys to Manifesting True Love

Arielle Ford: 3 Keys to Manifesting True Love

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“You can’t have anything that you want.”

They then have an entire dialogue where God explains to Neale that by ‘wanting something (or someone)’ all you get to have is the experience, the feeling of  ‘wanting.’

As part of the preparation to manifest your soul mate I suggest that you begin the process of “living as if.”  This means that your daily actions become congruent with your beliefs.

Q:What are the key steps to manifesting a soul mate?

See Also
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A: In addition to healing your heart from past relationships you need to create a clear intention.  The analogy I like to use it this:

When you walk into your favorite coffee hangout what is the first thing you do?  Place your order.  You confidently tell the barista, “I will have a tall, half-caff, low-fat mocha latte, with a splash of non-sugar vanilla syrup to go.”  The barista smiles, writes your order on the side of a cup and takes your money.  Within minutes you are walking out the door with the precise, delicious cup of coffee that you ordered.  Ordering up a soulmate from the Universe works in a similar way.  It’s not always as instantaneous but it can be just as precise. But to have the Universe to deliver your perfect soul mate, you must first CLEARLY place your order.  This isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. You must first search your heart for what you really, really desire. By now you know what you DON’T want but you need to ask for what you DO want.  In the Soulmate Kit we explain how to place your order by creating a detailed list and we then provide a variety of rituals to do to release your list to the Universe.

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