Astrology Forecast May 13-19: The Wild Ride Continues

By Kathy Beihl
The wild ride continues. It’s bringing more revelations, discoveries, revisiting and rethinking the past, and watching foundations crack and reshape under and around us.
Yes, more of the same we’ve been experiencing, only even more of it. All of it is building up to monumental activity that is peaking next week.
The intensity ramp-up starts on Wednesday, when two moves occur that point to next week. One of them has high potential to add some ease to the ongoing upheaval; the other quickens the ongoing r/evolution.
Talk and movement both lighten and speed up when Mercury, ruler of gab, gadgets and getting around, moves into his airy base of Gemini. He is most nimble and comfortable here, where he can flit and flit and multi-task and play while he’s at it. Watch for the change in atmosphere: Talk becomes less ponderous, less weighted by practicalities, more free-flying.
The timing of his sign change is important for two reasons. Mercury makes this shift, as so many other planets have this year, during a void of course Moon, underscoring that the inner experience is more important than the outer. He’s also moving into Gemini a week before the last of the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipses we’ve been in since December 2010. With him in this sign, we have the opportunity to gather data about the eclipses — in advance of the final one, and through the rest of the month.
Be alert for information about how your thoughts affect what happens in your life. That’s one of the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse themes. (Read more here about them, and how to use them.) Also look at how your approach to communication, information and life itself has changed since December 2010. And if your thoughts go all over the map, well, they’re supposed to.
Wednesday’s second big move is Uranus entering the degree of his square to Pluto. These two titans are responsible for the relentless upheaval (and collective nervous breakdown) of the past year. The cosmic change agents are traveling through 2015 in an aspect that demands action, and next Thursday is one of the two times this year their link will be absolutely exact.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.