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Astrology Forecast May 13-19: The Wild Ride Continues

Astrology Forecast May 13-19: The Wild Ride Continues

The tensest part is between this Wednesday and Monday of next week. Some players and events may be newcomers, but the general issues are oldies. The shock waves are targeting areas of your life that have already been worked over; we lived through two squares last June and September.  Developments are inevitable in the dramas that have been playing out in those areas. Can’t identify them? Use this: What huge remodeling projects started then, intentionally or otherwise? Because Pluto is retrograde, this round of the square has an Empire Strikes Back streak, with the status quo trying to reclaim order and control.

Work the two shifts together. When a situation creaks or fractures or breaks open (some of this is positive, you know), let your mind rove. Explore ramifications, possibilities, alternatives.

For another take on this week’s events, listen to my five-minute podcast.

Monday: Big, ponderous developments, urges and longings are in the air and on your mind. Rumblings are palpable deep within, below your feet and in the words of companions and the media. You’re anxious to take action, but please, let your heart lead you.  If you’re unsure or fall into over-thinking, ask for guidance. It’ll tell you if you’re romanticizing or misperceiving, or if someone is playing sleight of hand. And if your solar plexus goes off when you consider contacting a specific person or bringing up a particular topic, keep quiet. The off feeling is a signal that the time is not right. Bedside writing materials could prove handy.

See Also

Tuesday:  Most of the day’s astro-activity occurs before dawn. The overnight hours have you processing the ongoing imperative to change. Some part of you is not liking what you’ve been seeing. It has you feeling overwhelmed and powerless, yet compelled to strike some kind of blow or break out. Note your early morning mental ramblings. They contain clues, as always, about what your psyche has been assimilating. If that opportunity passes you by, or if you can’t make sense of dream snippets, notice the actions to what you are naturally gravitating. They’re clues, too. The overnight process leads to action late afternoon and into the evening — so much that winding down could be hard.

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