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Astrology Forecast May 13-19: The Wild Ride Continues

Astrology Forecast May 13-19: The Wild Ride Continues

Wednesday:  Overnight your psyche seesaws between what you want and what some outer force dictates. One side wins, eventually. Clues to what you decided are in your early morning mental meanderings.  You stand every chance of feeling good about that choice as the Moon goes void of course for most of the day, from 8:15 AM to 6….  Within the void, Mercury enters his home sign of Gemini and brings quickness to how our minds and bodies get around. A lot could be getting your attention. Although it won’t be exact till the 24th, Uranus has entered the degree of his square to Pluto. The cosmic change agents are ramping instability and the imperative to confront and evolve. Use this void to gather information — about your reactions, about other people, about the structures and situations that are teetering, about the locations of the fracture lines you’ve been observing.  Some of what you uncover will prove useful after the void ends.

Thursday:  The inclination today is to push against walls, limits, responsibilities and expectations. That could include pushing for commitment or structure in a relationship, which is not likely to meet resistance. Opportunity opens and circumstances cooperate. We are all more ready emotionally for next big Uranus/Pluto push — at least, as much of it as we can glimpse; surprises are, of course, still in store. Even so, your identity is not quite in alignment. There’s still catch up and adjusting to do..which may occupy you for a while longer.

Friday:  That darned issue of personal change remains. (Actually, if you are facing only one such issue, you’re faring better than a lot of folks.) It’s unsettling and just will not go away. Your best response is to enlarge your sense of self. Push through the growing pains and into a larger, grander view of possibilities for who you are and can be. Put writing materials at your bedside, too.

See Also
2024 Virgo Full Moon Astrology Forecast

Saturday: Dreams are a double feature of indie films, heavy on romance. They’re a sweet diversion, but they do raise questions:  What is real? What is illusion? Most importantly, what — or who — dominates the dreams? Today brings an opportunity for an unexpected connection — bumping into each other in a bookstore, say, or being online at the same unusual time. Avoid any temptation to ramrod this serendipity into a preconceived scenario. Say no to power games or manipulation. Observe them, yes, but do not engage. You have a choice in how you are going to get an itch scratched (and that itch could very well connect all these dots into a yummy connection that you greatly desire). This may play out in an unreal way, or with you in observer mode and keenly aware that the playing out is occurring, forcing a conversation or exchange of information (it’s time) and, counterintuitively, leading to stability.  Whether a heavy-sparking connection is not where you end up, you will see the truth and speak it responsibly, after which life calms down. In fact, choosing responsibility serves you throughout the day and leads, counterintuitively again, to chasing a wild hare or going off on a lark. Being mature and responsible frees you up to be spontaneous and wild. It’ll make sense.

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