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Carrot Tops – A Powerful Health Enhancing Green Veggie

Carrot Tops – A Powerful Health Enhancing Green Veggie

Most people pass on eating carrot greens but they are amazingly healthy. They do have a slightly bitter flavor like radicchio, endive, and other bitter greens which are good for you, and they give a surprisingly great taste to soups, salads, pesto, tabbouleh, and spreads.

Carrot Tops are full of chlorophyll which is a great detoxing agent for the liver and the whole body… and helps to prevent cancer and tumor growth, and it’s a good antioxidant too thus helping to prevent cardiovascular disease and strokes. And you can also juice Carrot Tops and mix the juice with other sweet juices for a very powerful healing drink.

Carrot Top Greens are loaded with lots of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that are important for good health, Carrot Top Greens are an under valued and under used green that can do your body good. In fact Carrot Top Greens have more Vitamin K than most other veggies, which is important for clotting and thus recovery from scrapes, bruises, cuts and disease in general.

Some say Carrot Top Greens are poisonous but that’s not so… they do have furocoumarin in them that might cause mild allergic reactions similar to nuts in a few rare people. Carrots Greens do build up nitrates from the soil so it’s important to buy organic greens that are not contaminated with fertilizers or grow your own that are free of chemicals, in fact always buy organic at all times.

Carrot Top Greens have been used in Italy for centuries in soups and lots of people scramble them with eggs for a healthy green in egg salad sandwiches. In fact during WWII the British Army came up with a “Carrot Top and Potato Soup” in order to make use of carrot greens that were going to waste during the war.

Carrot Top Greens also contain lots of potassium which is very important for water balance and for cardiovascular health. And they have lots of plant based protein that’s good for your body and Carrot Tops Greens contain more Vitamin C than the carrot… up to 6 times more.

Carrot Top Greens are a good diuretic making it important for getting rid of excess body water, also they are a great antiseptic agent that works great for bad breath and for healing mouth sores and bleeding gums.

And if you have kidney stones or urinary problems making tea with Carrot Tops works very well to sooth away irritation and help to expel the stones via its wonderful diuretic qualities.

Carrot Top Greens can be used in salad dressings, wilted with onions, added to beans with garlic and other spices, cooked with seafood, added to cheeses, used in smoothies, and even used in sauces, pasta, and just about anything else you can think of.

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And Carrot Top Greens used with the carrots makes a very healing soup that’s very tasty, just spice it up the way you would a spicy Italian soup. And Carrot Tops are very inexpensive and some grocery stores will even give them to you.

Enjoy a great tasting under valued green!

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Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist, Counselor, and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Center for Creative Living Spiritual Center, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas

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