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How Do I Know If I’m Channeling?

How Do I Know If I’m Channeling?

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Are you channeling or are you tuning into your own Higher Self?

Am I Really Channeling?

By Jenny Griffin



We’ve all seen examples of channels such as Kryon and Abraham-Hicks, but it seems more and more people are tuning into their own guidance each day, accessing the Universal mind in their daily activities. This might lead to the question, ‘how do I know if I’m channeling?’ While it seems like a strange question, channeling can be a very uncertain and unsettling thing, especially the first few times it happens. You might just think you heard or read the information somewhere, or that you made it up.

Here are a few potential indicators of a channeling experience:


9 Signs that You are Really Channeling

1.  You may feel incredibly emotional, either during or after the information is revealed. This is related to the residue of any ‘lower-vibrational’ emotions that may be in your physical body at the time of the channel. They are pushed up and out by the higher frequencies that come through you.

2.  You may write or speak about topics you don’t fully understand. Sometimes the information that comes through can be confusing because consciously, you haven’t caught up with it yet. Chances are, the lessons in the channeling will come clear to you within a few weeks. It’s important to trust the words that come through, without adding your own rational interpretations to them (as much as possible).

3.  You don’t know HOW you know, but you just know that what comes out is unquestionably true.

4.  You will find others have written similar things, or about similar topics, which can be great confirmation that you’re tuning into the energy of a collective consciousness.

5.  Your voice or accent may change, or if you’re writing you may find you use fewer contractions and more archaic forms of language.

6.  You may be intending to write or speak about one thing, and your words are suddenly guided or directed to a completely different topic.

7.  While you are speaking or writing, you feel energized and connected like you’ve never felt before. It may be hard to keep up with the flow of the words, for they are coming so rapidly you can barely contain them in 3-D media.

8.  When you read over or listen to your work afterward, you may feel a sense of disconnect from it, and an awe that you actually said/wrote that. (‘Hey, I wrote that? It’s really good!’).

See Also
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9.  You will find that people connect to your words in a whole new way as if you answered a question that they hadn’t yet formulated. This is further evidence that you are tuning into the Universal mind.

The experience is meant to be joyful and to provide a way to connect with your guides, Higher-Self and the collective consciousness more intimately. It’s important for different people to write and speak what they hear because each of us presents the information in a unique way. Through our own experiences, we filter the knowledge that’s channeled, and our voice might be the one that provides the key for someone who had heard the information in seventeen different ways before.

As you play with the process, it becomes easier and clearer. Your guides might reveal themselves to you by name or make it clear that they are part of a larger collective. They may ask you to make it a regular thing, or you might prefer to use their help to write about topics you feel passionate about. If you feel frustrated by an inability to connect after the initial channeling, don’t chase the experience, but maintain a high vibration and allow it to come to you. Continue to write, speak and create, knowing that the more you do so, the more opportunities you provide yourself to access the Universal mind. Most importantly, enjoy it!

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About the Author

Jenny Griffin, the ‘Catharsis Coach,’ is passionate about helping you to find the beauty, power and possibility in the midst of transformative experiences. She combines her skills as an intuitive coach and healer with her amazing organizational abilities to provide an environment filled with creative and enjoyable ways to move towards your own unique vision for your life, and offers you the opportunity to use all the parts of your story as fodder for personal and spiritual growth.

You can find Jenny at The Power of Change or on Facebook

View Comments (8)
  • I started channeling about 3 months ago and have been practicing for about 6 months before reaching finally that connection. I gave my initial recordings to my trusted friends who gave an honest opinion that although it did kind of sound like me but the vocabulary used were not how I usually speak. Even I had to look into dictionary to find the meaning for some of them! The first time that I finally made the clear full connection to my 3 main guides I was feeling orgasmic (sorry no other word to describe it), I was so elevated and was crying like a little girl, I was sooo happy and in full ecstasy when they have connected with me, they were fully present in my aura and I have never felt so loved and looked after in my entire life before. I cannot express enough how unconditionally loving these being are, they are pure love.

  • love the description , every single sign is so spot on i could virtually hear myself explaining my experiences , i have never refered to it as channeling ive not really looked to deep into the source of where it is coming from , i just know it is from a place of love we only imagine ,would you say that the information is being passed on by guides ? , i have been writing and sharing some of the insights for a good few years to family and friends and it has only ever been amazing and blows me away everytime just when i think there cant be much more to realise or be blown away by , something i feel humble and blessed in receiving , brilliant 🙂

  • I actaully heard voices come in from the wind outside my house and freaked the fuck out I made them go away .. But how is it beneficial?

  • I believe I just had a channeling experience, but am not sure. I was writing in my journal, when I felt this surge of deep emotion (stemming from the results of the 2016 election), then I felt as if other people were speaking through me. I started writing from first person to third person (changing “I” to “we”) I kept writing as a collective group, as if these other individuals were angry within me and were utilizing my body to write for them. It was a bit odd. I don’t know if maybe I imagined this, but I felt the statements and feelings to be true.

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