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Color Our World

Color Our World

by Jacqui Johnson

Do you realize how the vibration of color truly influences our essence?

You will feel radiantly happy waking up and seeing baby pink flowers on the tree outside your window. The big black and yellow bumblebees buzzing around drinking from the flowers will spark a frequency of new birth within you. There will be so much magic coming through these beautiful colors like lights flitting through your heart and eyes. The blue sky with white fluffy clouds will fill your soul with immense expanded energies. The yellow sparkles from the sun on the balcony will fill your solar plexus with such power. You will feel warm, loved and vital.

Each color creates an energy and synergy through the body.  Each tone of the color creates a feeling that runs like an electrical circuit breaker; clicking you on and off depending on which color you are resonating with at that moment.

Blue creates a space of overflow within our essence. Arlene Arnold from Transformational Tools  says that ” The gentle blue sky is showering us with calm. Blue helps us feel more positive like a ‘breath of fresh air’. . Blue skies bring a sense of wellness to us. We feel as though ‘the sky’s the limit’. This color vibration is very healing and opens the body to health and wellness.”

Think about it. The blue does make you feel fantastic looking at the endless expansive sky. You feel brand new and ready to take on great things.

She also speaks how red invokes action.  Think of the passion you feel when you are in a red outfit. You feel ready to strut and show the world that you mean business..Even if someone gets angry, people say they “see red”. Power, ignition, fire, and sensuality are all invoked by red. Red is for the root chakra so it creates a movement and a shift.

Yellow make you so peaceful and harmonic. It raises the frequency and promotes joy. This color will truly uplift your spirits. Your spirits will be lifted by yellow flowers like daisies, roses or sunflowers.

Purple invokes feeling of power and royalty opening you to an expansion of self.

Green brings harmony, health, prosperity and happiness.

White can feel very sterile or clean and pure. It is a great color of protection.

Black invokes expansion and limitlessness.

Even when you say the names of the colors you can feel a vibration. The color carries a sound which invokes your senses.  It speaks to you in the language of light which rekindles other channels besides seeing.

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I chose just a few colors to get your soul to drink in the nectar of these vibes and to get you thinking about  how color really works in our lives.

If we set an intention to fill our lives with color, we will create a new knowing that will fill all of our senses, known and unknown, with divine frequencies of illumination and brilliance.

Namaste and joy.

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Jacqueline ‘s guides call her a Divine Illumination Encodement Counselor. She is a certified Faerie Healer, a Reiki Master, a Seraphim Blueprint Healer, a Oneness Blessings Deeksha giver,  a motivational storyteller, intuitive artist, author, musician, and a six sensory™ psychic certified with Sonia Choquette and offers Encodement Magic sessions. She lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with her husband and 2 kitties. You can find more info at and her membership site; Merlin’s Treasure Box

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