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Emotional By-Pass

Emotional By-Pass

By Shervin Hojat

What are you feeling today at this moment?  Can you name your feelings?

There are at least two ways to avoid ownership of our feelings.  One disowns feelings by blaming someone else for creating them (i.e. he ruined my day).  The other way is rationalizing them as a mental exercise to avoid feeling the actual feeling.  We may lose a pet and have grief associated with it.  We may avoid feeling our grief by saying,” he lived a long time” to make it OK not to grieve the situation.

It is important to investigate those parts of our life where we take ownership of our feelings and what parts of our life we use to blame or rationalize, to avoid feeling our feelings.

Emotional By-Pass

There are many defense mechanisms

to avoid feeling our feelings.

At first we may blame others

when we feel a negative emotion.

“You made me angry.”

“You wrecked my day.”

We abdicate our responsibility

by not owning our feelings.

We may also avoid feeling our feelings by rationalization.

“I feel better when I do not read the paper.”

“Don’t feel bad. It happens to everyone.”

“This is not my responsibility.”

Using rationalization and blame to

avoid feeling our feelings

is an emotional by-pass!

See Also

Avoidance instead of acceptance!

Escapism instead of being in the moment!

Feeling our emotions is not just about feeling good!

It is about connecting and  consciousness.

Do you allow yourself to feel all your feelings


are you sedated by your emotional by-passes?

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