Freedom: the Intention of Life

By Nancy Oakes
Some might consider this age we are living in as a time to reflect, a history lesson of the origin of the planet; and a record of the early arrivals. Because we are now aware, humanity will no longer be deceived and manipulated about the “Intention of Life.” Woven through this article are truths about the greatest, darkest cover-up on our planet; conducted by very powerful established organizations, to conceal the truth of creation, promote war and fear, and enslave the people of Earth.
The truth is, the Supreme Creator cannot be a “HE.” Human beings all begin as females in the womb and then continue as females or are manipulated by hormones to become a male. More evidence, one element on the Y-chromosome itself causes a male child. Human beings became Co-creators through a great gift, and I will explain.
The fallen angels are recorded even in the Christian Bible as raping the women of earth. They gave up their sacredness and became as man, thus cast away from the sacredness of the realms of the Supreme Creator, “Love and Light.” This happened millions of years after the first arrivals, and the descendants of the original people (as in Native American tribes, etc.) Many cultures, people and religions were going on way before the first book of Genesis, which is a Jewish history book. The sacred feminine, the original people and their stories of the beginning including the holiness of birth have all but been annihilated from humanity’s memory; by the fallen ones, and their descendants.
The new age, the “Fifth World” the ‘Golden Age” is the return of the sacred feminine, reinventing the sacred balance of male and female, and the “Intention of Life”. A remembrance, a renewed awareness of the link of male and female energies channeled though sacred creation, (the spark) by the “Divine Plan”, executed by a “Supreme Being of Love and Light.” The Supreme Creator is a spirit, an energy, a magnificent “All Knowing.” The Supreme Creator allowed the gift of genders in the “Divine Plan”, all genders, (there are more than two).
Any thing that is negative, dark, or unloving (war) is not connected to the Supreme Creator. Any church, dynasty, government, empire, or monarch who used war to conquer and defeat a society, or culture, was led by the fallen angels, as the Supreme Creator had no intention for his creation to suffer with war, or enslavement. Furthermore all the resources of Earth were designed to be given freely to humanity, including water, gold, minerals, plants, and animals. The Creator did not take these things away because of the fall from grace in the garden, it was taken by men who saw a way to profit and enslave the world.
Select men (church fathers) who have had access to ancient knowledge hid the explanation of the creation of the many genders; as well as the explanation of the sacred and holy purpose of such people. Also hidden and shadowed were the real purpose and exact names of the fallen angels, making it appear they were guided by the Supreme (Love and Light) Creator. You only have to study the names of the angels that certain religions, and empires chose as their angelic guide to see the names of the “Fallen Ones.” For example, the Roman Empire chose the Angel Samael. “King of the Wicked”, The Angel Samael is an accuser, seducer and destroyer, documented in ancient texts as the guardian angel of the Roman Empire. The obedient light angels, guides and great masters who also visited this planet to help humanity out of this “HELL” the evil ones created for the people of Earth, were destroyed by these same organizations, including Jesus. These evil men chose to burn, destroy or hide the documents from the people of Earth, for this was powerful knowledge and information that they did not want humanity to have access to. Their purpose was to cloud your understanding and personal connection to the Supreme Creator. Unconnected to the unconditional love, the “Divine Plan” for humanity, and the great mysteries of the universe, you could be easily controlled; as you would not have the power to recognize being deceived.
On Earth, (not in heavenly realms) male and female were originally designed to compliment each other, for procreation, to ensure the survival of humanity. Arriving together in the great plan, the Supreme Creator gave a beautiful gift in the union of love between the early arrivals to co-create. We inherited this great gift of co-creation, the most magnificent gift of all, birth of a human being, from the womb of only a woman. This gift along with “Freedom” is our birth right.
Many ancient elders, and records speak of a third gender, even many more on the planet. “Free will” was given also to humans, therefore some people choose a different path, one that is personal to them. A life of solitude or devotion to their particular spiritual assignment on earth, choosing not to marry, or procreate. The ancients recognized many of these people as holy, naming them Two-Spirits, (both male and female) respected and seen as a part of nature’s natural expression; therefore declared them medicine people, and trusted elders. Some cultures recognized more than 20 separate genders, sorts, intersex, eunuchs, neuter etc.
Eventually and mainly because of “the extreme upset” caused by those whose hearts were now separated from the “Love and Light” of the Supreme Creator, man began to make rules of conduct. Most of these rules of conduct established by the church fathers, monarchs and governments eliminated privileges and freedoms to humans and created servitude. Any religion, culture or society that removes the absolute freedom of sexual, and social behaviors from a human being contributes to the lie, the extreme upset of the “Divine Plan.” Part one, the “church fathers” attached taboos to the holy act of intimacy, which led to their plan of complete legitimacy of a patriarchal society, and guaranteed the dominant position of man. The plan unfolded further as they disfigured the female to a place of subordination, but even that was not enough. Man continued until they had a story that she was the root of all evil, and her beauty tempted man until she caused mankind to fall out of enlightenment.
I was told that in my lifetime we will see the lies from the organizers (my spirit guide, Grandmother, called them the “Evil Ones”) revealed. The cover up has had many layers, century after century. The layers became deeper until their plan was complete and became accepted, which created a very dark world. A world existing without “Love and Light”; the lost and destroyed sacred feminine energy. Consciously or unconsciously many took part in the cover up because they forgot who they were, or had no choice as enslaved by the system; or descendants of the original fallen angels.
Part two of the cover up was to eradicate any, and all people who practiced Earth, Sun, Moon, Ancestral, Goddess, Nature, Creation or Universe worship, and replace it with fear, materialism, and absolute allegiance to a masculine version of creation. Therefore humanity became doomed to hell fire and brimstone unless all rules of the church were obeyed. I cannot make any excuses for the publication of this article, as negativity, brutality and genocide really happened, and continues today. The worst atrocities recorded in the history of the world, were and are towards women and the innocent, perpetrated by evil men, descendants of the fallen angels. What will heal our world? The ushering in of the Golden Age, The Fifth World, as called by my people, the Cherokee. The “Feminine Energy” has arrived again, and welcomed by millions of light workers. It is a new WORLD for us all, one where we are all free to BE! Love to the Light!
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