Get Fit: Accept and Surrender
By C S Bromley
The most important tool in your tool kit when it comes to getting fit is Spirituality. Acceptance and Surrender will be your biggest strengths in and out of the gym.
We often struggle on our path to well being. Often you are set up to fail before you have even begun. People are taught to adopt a restrictive mindset when it comes to nutrition and they are given programs that are boring and painfully repetitive. Their support system places guilt upon them for missing workouts and they’re constantly having a mental boxing match with the reflection in the mirror. We judge ourselves (and others for that matter) for not having a perfect physique. These are all lower thoughts. It’s well known the Law of Attraction will give you what you put out into the Universe. How can you expect positive results with so much negativity involved in your goals?
Let’s touch on Judgement here…who is to even say what a perfect physique is? Over the decades our ideals have enormously changed from beauty icons such as the curvy Marilyn Monroe to the very thin Twiggy. Even today on the magazine rack, we see polar opposite bodies on display on the covers of Vogue and Oxygen Fitness Magazine. Which body is best? To whom? Too much energy is focused on achieving a superficial goal. Health and happiness are our true tools of measurement.
You were created by a supreme higher being- God, Source, The Universe; what you call the Divine is entirely up to you, what’s important is that you recognize that there is a higher power and you are an extension of this magnificence. You live in this body temple that performs over 1 million complex functions every minute. Do you think God would forget to program your body to know its natural weight? Your body wants to be in homeostasis, it wants to be in absolute health because when you are strong and healthy you are better able to be of service and fulfill your soul’s purpose. Your body simply requires that you nourish it appropriately with loving thoughts, exercise and nutrition.
Self-acceptance is pivotal. You are a glorious child of God. You are perfect as you are right now, not 20 lbs. less from now. It’s important that you believe this. A Course in Miracles states “I am affected only by my thoughts”. This means you have the power to choose whether you live in a loving environment or a toxic environment. If your body is in a toxic environment due to a lack of self-acceptance odds are it is going to protect itself with excess body weight. Realize that happiness won’t be found in external approval from others or on the number on the scale. Happiness comes from establishing a connection to God. Plant the seed of self-acceptance so that love can flourish by meditating, prayer and positive affirmations; “I am perfect just as I am”, “I honor my body and I take great care of it”.
Negative thoughts are just as toxic as a bag of potato chips. When your mind gets caught up in lower thoughts our energy gets sucked up too. Who feels like hitting the gym when they have no energy?! The amazing thing is you can simply surrender all fear, negative thoughts and banter, and judgements over to God. Just hand them over. Release them. Let them go! Try this: “God I release these fearful thoughts to you, please take them away so I remember my true divinity”.
Loving and positive thoughts actually make you stronger and more powerful. You see this all the time with muscle testing. When someone thinks negative thoughts they are much weaker than when thinking thoughts of a loving nature. When exercising practice gratitude for the ability to move your body, I bet you’ll be able to lift a lot heavier and run even further. Embrace the attitude of progress not perfection.
Fitness is about a lifestyle and not about a look. When you live the lifestyle you will naturally achieve a look that reflects true health. Get Moving! A successful long-term fitness program should be one of grace, and optimizes inner health. It should be about self – awareness and mind-body connection. The very best trainer in the world is yourself because only you know what’s right for your body, and only you know how you feel. Healthy exercise is about doing what feels right for you and your body today. It’s also about gratitude- being grateful for the opportunity to exercise and the ability to physically move your body, and having the energy needed to accomplish it. Working out should be like having a conversation with your body and spirit-it should be personal, intimate, and holy, not boring and painfully repetitive.
Remember to accept yourself for who you are today. Love yourself unconditionally. If negative thoughts arise just give them God and keep on shining!
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C S Bromley has dedicated her life to studying the healing arts and holds certificates in many different modalities and is also a student of A Course in Miracles. She wants to empower women and children to make lifestyle changes necessary for their best possible health. C S Bromley is a philanthropist and very active in fundraising for children in Africa affected by poverty and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. She has authored forthcoming children’s book, “Isadora’s Journey”.
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