Heal Naturally – Day 0
Healing Naturally with Herbs & Other Foods
by Paul Haider
Dr. Paul Haider will be offering three challenges: Heal Naturally with Herbs, 30 Days of Finding Beauty Everywhere, and 30 Days of Healing Foods
Health Challenge – Heal Naturally with Herbs Instead of Medications – 30 Days of Natural Remedies
It’s time to let go of all the chemicals that have so many side effects and find a ways to heal naturally. You only have one life and this life is important to you. If you take care of your body your body will take care of you. You will be presented with one new herb every day that just might change your life.
Health Challenge – 30 Days of Healing Foods
In order to have peace of mind, body, and spirit, there must be a change in what we eat to bring about such a change.
All the great avatars were people who ate simple foods, foods that were nutritious and foods that did their body good.
Here is your challenge – Each day a new healing food will be presented. Read about that food and see how you can integrate it into your diet for a more well-rounded healthy way of eating.
At the end of 30 Days you will have a very well-rounded list of new foods to add to your existing diet.
And at the same time you might want to drop some of those old foods that are not helping you have a health life… full of great vitality.
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