I, Me and Mine: Astrology Forecast for May 6-12, 2013

No matter how crazy events are these days, our focus comes back to basic, simple matters: My turf. My money. My toys. My stuff. My desires. My — admit it — appetites.
No one has the luxury of pondering lofty ideals. Who has the time? That’s so tight now that my friends and I have been joking about having to forgo sleep to meet deadlines. So much boils down to time, money and resources — how much we have, how much we can give, how much we can get. We’re deeply in a sensory experience of life, very definitely in the here and now.
And yet, with all we have, we want more. It’s as if we’ve all been implanted with an entitlement gene that’s pushing us unapologetically toward satisfaction, toward seconds, toward gratification, toward consumption so far beyond the immediate need that no doubt remains we’re full. Thanks for that goes to the Taurus emphasis in the sky (which is affecting desire, drive, mission, communication and general getting around).
Adding to that slow-moving, knock-wood influence is this week’s flurry of super-conjunctions involving those placements in Taurus. A super-conjunction occurs when bodies meet within a short period of time in two ways, by both zodiac degree (the way we usually think of it) and by declination (which is based on distance from the equator). Think of it as a double-strength expression of the bodies’ combined influence, underscoring it with “And we really mean it!”
This week’s succession of super-conjunctions starts with a huge dose of walking our talk in fundamental, practical ways (Mercury and Mars, Tuesday and Wednesday — and don’t be surprised if normally tactically evasive folks are touching your arm or shoulder during conversations). Thursday is a groaning table of emotional assertiveness, brass tacks talk, and giving over to the impulses of the flesh (the Moon and Mars, the Moon and Mercury, the Moon and the Sun). Saturday, Mercury and the Sun bring our thoughts about ourselves to time present (“Do I really look like that? Really?”) and encourage us to get in our bodies.
We are not gravitating toward fleeting pleasures, though we may not be conscious of their lasting impact. What we savor now could be with us for (or at least, affect) months, if not years. That’s because all this wanting and pursuing and is answering the call of Thursday’s Taurus New Moon, which is a solar eclipse.
Even though new beginnings and phases are the hallmark of this super-sized new moon, there are elements of purging and release. The temporary blocking of the light hits a symbolic restart button. In the process of the reboot, people and situations have a way of slipping out. Since Taurus is the playing field, the departures could have once been useful or costly. (Practical objects going lost is another manifestation.) Another reason for the ending vibe these days is this New Moon’s proximity to the South Node, which represents what we are moving away from. Possessions, values, attitudes about love and money — all are being reset, and some are clearing out, leaving room to grow for the ones that stay and the ones to come. Read more about the eclipse in my 2013 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse forecast.
As much as we have, claim, embrace and consume, by the weekend, we don’t merely want more. We want choices. We want to keep doors and options open. Venus, ruler of all we desire and value, is moving into the air sign of the twins, Gemini, on Thursday. She encourages a lively social atmosphere, flitting from shiny object to shiny object and keeping connections light and fun. While she prefers playing the field, the guests in her Taurus home argue for the reassurance of physical contact and proof that someone is solidly, physically present for you — hand-holding, hugs and the entanglements of the heart that come from more. We’re in bodies, after all. Life is supposed to be physical.
For the longer term context, please read my article about the Scorpio lunar eclipse, which discuss what’s in effect for the next four weeks and beyond from the spring’s dynamic cluster of aspects.
Monday: We’re all itching and squirming with subterranean wants and impulses. Desire is unsettling, making you edgy, putting you on alert — what if it were to materialize? Information arrives like the calvary in an mid-20th century Saturday morning movie. A message could show how different a situation is from what you’d thought/feared/projected. Evidence could arrive of how your thought processes have calmed and grown. A new and enticing doorway could open to an interchange about practicalities or otherwise making a vision real. Everyone is in the throes of processing the personal meaning of the relentless, ongoing upheaval and changes. Emotions are pivoting in an instant as lightning bolts pierce our comfort zones and open us (willingly or not) to alternatives. Basements are rumbling with excavation and remodeling that facilitate dropping a habit or putting other fundamental changes in place. Cast your lot with personal growth today, and look for tangible evidence of how far you’ve come lately. Put writing materials at the bedside to capture your psyche’s journey overnight. It’s an especially good time to ask for answers, too; just be willing to hear whatever may come.
Tuesday: The overnight hours deliver truth, clarity and functional understanding, all with a direct impact on the mundane workings of your life. The impact is simplifying and empowering, even if it extracts a price of letting go. No worries, as they say; a load is lifted somehow and casts the day with optimism and a sense of possibilities. The Moon goes void of course at 8:41 AM EDT, for the remainder of the day and till dawn tomorrow. This void hardly promises stillness, at least not on the inside. The two-day superconjunction is starting between Mercury (how we think, talk and get around) and Mars (how we make things happen). That new-found mental clarity is locking into your personal drive and agenda, as ideas find the energy to bring them into form. Incredible creative productivity is a possible result (Who’s a crafter? Scrapbooker?), and so is dreaming up simple, doable steps to make ideas real. Conversations and brainstorming are concrete and practical, too, inspiring the will to follow through. Put your body into it as well. Dance; sing; contemplate your yard or a nearby outdoor space that pleases you.
Wednesday: Dreams could be steamy. Could be frustrating. Could stir an appetite for temptations common sense would leave alone, or for objects of desire that are tantalizingly out of reach. The void ends at 6:10 AM EDT with the Moon entering Taurus and beginning her approach to tomorrow’s solar eclipse. The messenger and action gods are still making like a dynamic duo, so harness their cooperation. Put those ideas into tangible form. Write them down; key them into a device. Don’t force anything to follow your specific plans, though. Today has lovely prospects for serendipity and divine guidance, which could lead you to better ways and destinations than you were thinking. Expect them. Watch for them. Work with them! So what if a few obstacles or nay-sayers stand in your path. You’ve got guidance at your disposal. It can evaluate the blockage (which might benefit you) (just saying) and suggest alternate routes and work-arounds. Remember that link, too. It’s going to come in very handy tomorrow….
Thursday: This is the big day of the week. No counsel for you now of sitting back, going within, waiting, contemplating. Nope. Today is made for rock ‘em, sock ‘em action — and it begins well before sun-up in the Western Hemisphere. Overnight we hit a new phase of comfort with the pervasive upheaval, the twists and turns, and the wondrous developments that have been falling out of the blue onto us. We’re sloughing off psychic and emotional dead skin, including attachments that don’t have a place in the new. And are we ever motivated. The Moon and Mars are the first of the day’s super-conjunctions, and this one spells assertive emotions. We are leading with our feelings, pushing them forward and sating them with creature comforts. Not to mention talking about them, with lots of different people, too. That’s a given thanks to Venus taking on Gemini’s gift of gab and the beginning of Moon’s two-day super-conjunction with Mercury. Into this determined, focused, self-aware and chatty atmosphere comes the Taurus New Moon solar eclipse. In a literal sense, it is the pause that refreshes. The Moon goes void of course at 8:28 PM EDT until late afternoon to… we have the aftermath of the exact eclipse to take in its energies. If you have wanted to leave behind a habit, situation, money pattern, relationship, attitude about your worth, drop it now. Make wishes under this New Moon — no vague or metaphysical ones, but fundamental, life-enhancing, sensory, sensual ones. Make them real, and the Moon will do the same. Read more in my Moon-cast.
Friday: The Moon is void of course until 5:22 PM EDT, giving us the bulk of the day to be with the eclipse and the desires it is stirring. This is not a gentle, contemplative stretch like some voids; this one is edgy, electric, tingling with undercurrents and rumblings we may not want to acknowledge. Still, thoughts and whispers are not going quiet. The Moon is still in super-conjunction with Mercury, propelling us to think and chew and talk in and about the most concrete ways. We’re reaching conclusions and solutions, too, real ones, practical ones, physically doable ones.
Saturday: The overnight hours are outright weird. Dreams reflect all the little tendrils of uncertainties winding through the psyche. The daylight hours bring choices, choices, choices. Two guidelines will lead you to the more fruitful path: Remain responsible to yourself and proceed from a position of power — not the slamming-a-fist-on-the-table type, but unshakable in your truth and knowledge of yourself. That should come naturally seeing as Mercury and the Sun are today’s dynamic duo. Wrap your brain around this concept: You are entitled to have what you want. Occupy that thought. Occupy yourself. Get into your body and your mind will follow.
Sunday: After opening the day to sunlight and enjoyment and the pleasures of life, the Moon goes void of course at 9:33 AM EDT until tomorrow. This void is, for a change, one for floating, contemplating, smelling the flowers, lingering over coffee, a meal, a bottle of wine. (Heck, make it champagne.) You’ve been through a doozy of a week or two. Celebrate what you’ve experienced, achieved and, most of all, learned about yourself. Companions are around who will love to chat this over with you. Look for a new level of ease in your conversations. Why not toast it, too?
For another take on this week’s events, listen to my five-minute podcast.
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Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at EmpowermentUnlimited.net, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.