Meditations to Open and Cleanse Your Chakras – Day 0

Heal Your Chakras, Heal Your Life
By Monika Goyal
Chakras are energy centers. There are hundreds of chakras within us that control the flow of energy. There are 7 main chakras: Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye and Crown Chakra. When a Chakra is dirty or blocked, we experience sickness, depression, poverty, anxiety/worry, hatred, communication issues, and fear, depending on the issues related with a specific Chakra. Chakra meditations help clear the blocks and thus healing the issues related to each.
This program includes digging in and identifying one’s issues related to each chakra and then going deep in to release those issues, followed by deep cleansing and complete healing of chakras. During these 30 days, you will gain deep insight about your own patterns and belief system giving you Aha moments when you discover those and understand their very root.
“Heal your Chakras, Heal your Life” is based on tried and very effective meditation techniques to heal every aspect of life by healing one’s Chakras. This program has been developed keeping in mind, complete physical, mental emotional/spiritual healing that eventually leads to a positive, peaceful, healthy and joyful life.
We will work on each Chakra for 4 days using digging work, hypnotherapy meditations, going to the root and time where a certain belief was born and then work on releasing it. We’ll then replace those with positive beliefs in form of affirmations. We will be using Sound and Light therapy to cleanse and heal chakras completely. We will also be working on cutting our unhealthy cords to people, situations, addictions and patterns, clearing ourselves completely.

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