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Real Power True Peace

Real Power True Peace


Are you ready to explore and realize the future of your dreams?

marlise_karlinIn a new, exciting world of rapid spiritual growth, five people from all walks of life will search for greater mastery and empowerment. In a new monthly feature, OMTimes will follow the progress of these people as they face real life challenges and take part in Marlise Karlin’s groundbreaking radio show, Real Power True Peace. They will be inspired by leading experts and put what they learn to use in their everyday lives. The will be guided by Marlise, the creator of ‘The Simplicity of Stillness” and they will candidly reveal their innermost thoughts and experiences as they aspire to realize the “Real Power, True Peace” within them.

Among those leading experts are best-selling author of Mastery, Robert Green, author of The Spirit Whisperer, John Holland, ‘So You Think You Can Dance’s’ Mary Murphy, author of The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, Eric Pearl, and author of Conscious Acts of Creation and scientist, William Tiller PhD.

Designed for our digital world the show is delivered by the global reach of One World Puja. For more on the radio show please check out


Meet the Panel    

Each one of Marlise Karlin’s hand-picked panel are going through real-life situations, from unemployment to divorce, and have chosen to embark on a journey into Mastery. Led by Marlise, they are discovering a range of techniques, primary among them, The Simplicity of Stillness, to help them fully realize their human potential and change their lives.

See Also

jeffrey-smithNAME: Jeffrey LOCATION: Largo, Florida OCCUPATION: Website/Graphics Designer & Co-founder of

After years in a strict religious cult, Jeffrey left everything behind. Feeling abandoned and disillusioned, he became an alcoholic. Now, in recovery, he is looking for a more purposeful and financially successful career.

“I’ve experienced much joy in spiritual growth and giving to others, but I have a feeling there’s so much more to experience, so much more to learn. I’m ready for the next level.”

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