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Real Power True Peace

Real Power True Peace


Marlise invites you to join them for the wild ride that happens when you commit to embracing your mastery. Connect. Ask questions. Read more about their experiences, and share your own. Each Real Power |True Peace Show includes time spent in the experience of Marlise’s Stillness Sessions where the infinite Energy of peace expands the power of healing and awareness in you.

Listen in weekly at Real Power True Peace on One World Puja Network

Excerpt of Marlise Karlin’s interview with the author of Mastery, Robert Greene

Robert Greene is an American author and speaker known for his books on strategy, power and seduction. He has written four international bestsellers: The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, and The 50th Law on which he collaborated with 50cent (Curtis Jackson).

Marlise: So Robert, tell us your definition of Mastery and who you think can attain it?

Robert Green: Well etymologically the word master is related to the word magic.  And in the past it was thought that people who had attained such kinds of power that I describe in the book were almost like magicians.  And so I’m describing a form of magic that is actually attainable by anyone.  And I want to kind of de-mythologize the idea of genius and high achievement as if it is some sort of magic.  It actually is a real power that we all have.

See Also

Marlise: What I’m hearing is that when you go to school it’s all about getting the top grade, isn’t it? And yet, what we’re speaking about here is reaching that intuitive level of intelligence where you have a ‘knowing’.  And that knowing gives you answers that you might not get in any other way, even from a formal education.  Is it along those lines?

Robert Greene:  Yes. The formal education can actually, in some ways, be an obstacle to the sorts of intelligence that I’ve been talking about.  And actually our brains were designed for a different form of intelligence.  They were designed to learn by doing things. I talk in the book about mirror neurons, which is a recent discovery in neuroscience. Basically what mirror neurons are is that we have the capacity to look at other people and put ourselves in their minds, in their shoes and imagine what they might be thinking.  And it’s incredibly powerful. And over millions of years, that’s how we learned.  We learned by watching somebody do something, following them with our eyes, putting ourselves in their shoes and imagining we’re doing it, and learning that way, and then doing it ourselves.  It’s very powerful and I want to connect people to get away from this addiction we have to learning everything through books and words.  The body has a way of learning things so it’s just as powerful as the mind.

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