Real Power True Peace

But it’s this sense of not having any direction or purpose in life is so much more upsetting and gets in your way so much more than the actual little day-to-day things that bother us.
Marlise: Beautiful, yes you could go get the job, go get the work, be earning all this money, but if you’re the hamster and you’re spinning round and round, there’s just no joy in it.
Robert Greene: What happens to the human mind as we get older, that playful, expansive, energetic, experimental quality that we had as children tightens up. We lose it. We start narrowing our focus. We start narrowing what we will consider. And with that tightness comes a general loss of the natural creativity of the brain. And so to become truly creative in your field is a two-step process. Number one, you have to get that experience and knowledge that you gain through the apprenticeship phase so that you have a deep level – so that the soil is planted with all of these seeds, and then something rich can come of that. And number two, you have to have a mind that’s capable of being flexible and adaptable, and exploring all of the different possible connections between the ideas you have learned and all that knowledge that you have accumulated.
Marlise: What I found is that through meditation, through becoming still, that that’s where that source of inspiration arises. Because in my own practices what I began understanding is we go into knee-jerk sometimes when we get upset or angry or something. But if we become still then we’re tapping into that – what you call the creative mind. And I call it – it’s just that place of stillness where infinite intelligence exists. We just can’t hear it if we’re going a hundred miles an hour and wanting to react to something.
And out of that place, everything comes – all the answers to take the next move, to be excited, to have that passion. Because sometimes the brain also gives us that recording that goes round and round of what we’re not doing right. And we’ve got to get that recording out of the way long enough to tap back into that place of inspiration.

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