Real Power True Peace

Robert Greene: Yeah. It’s not a matter of this is some distant phenomenon of mastery. You know, “It has no relationship to my life,” “I’m too old,” “I can’t really apply this,” “This is for people who went to a good school.” It’s actually extremely relevant to everyone. And there’s no moment in life that’s too late. I talk about people in the book who encounter a crisis later in their life where they thought they were headed wasn’t really what they were meant to do, and now they have to adapt and adjust. And it’s not a matter of suddenly giving up everything that you’ve learned. You’re in your 40s and this particular profession. It’s not a matter of giving it up and then going into something else. You build a bridge to what you’ve already learned and how you now can apply it in a way that’s more suited to you. You adapt. You follow a different sort of side path.
Marlise: So I think that more people today are recognizing it is a time that we can move into mastery. That we can move into greater understanding. And you never want to stop learning.

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