Stay True in Times of Stress
It may not be earth-shattering news to discover that life is tough. There are factors that add to our stress level. Perhaps the biggest factor of all is how truthful we are with ourselves. We can regain better health from dis-ease caused by stress with something very simple and straightforward: honesty.
Often, it can be the little voice inside that keeps us from being in touch with our feelings and emotions. We lose track of who we are or what our purpose in life may be. In the rush to get things done and be ‘the best,’ the pressure is on to perform and maintain our lifestyle. It comes at a cost we may not always be honestly ready to bear.
Taken to extreme, stress can become a form of self-abuse if we do not maintain vigilance to seek some peaceful time. Stress can also take over our life before we know it, become the driving factor in getting things done, and undo our health. Stress can add to anxiety and feed negatively into other behaviors that affect our relationships and personal sanity to the point where we can have trouble doing simple things, like eating right during the day and sleeping at night.
When people talk about “getting in touch with themselves” or “letting go,” quite often the concerns that can make us ill are the aspects of life we can change rather easily. We can choose to make change happen and do it alone or enlist the aid of a friend or loved on who can help coach us through some of the difficult times. Whether it may be a gentle reminder to relax or an available listening ear, our friends and loved ones are often our first line of support when it comes to relieving stress.
Weighing the balance of responsibility and choice, it can be enlightening for us to discover just how much we have talked ourselves into a particular mindset of stress and worry. If we are born with a generous amount of anxiety or raised in a stressful household, we may feel used to it or have learned to adapt and thrive on stress. This may sound a little strange to people whose lives are calm and peaceful most of the time.
Do we listen when others tell us to calm down? What other types of games might we play with our own psyche in order to continue living day in and day out with frenzied or stressful situations (whether at work or at home) that continue to wear us down? Do we recognize when we passively-aggressively ignore the stressful problems we have?
Dealing with stress can take many forms, some of which may be fun to explore. Put some time in your hectic calendar and schedule some time just for you. Try a stress reliever or two and see what ones are most effective. Take a few moments to reflect and be honest with yourself. Yes, it will take time to heal. Soon you will learn to turn those soul-zapping, negative experiences into something more positive and fulfilling.
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Kathy Custren, OMTimes Magazine Senior Editor, strives for balance in life with a deep respect for all. Interests include education, elements, nature, humanity's cosmic origins, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Connect with "Consciousness Live" on WordPress and the community page "Consciousness Live" on Facebook. Read more at Mindblogger: