Taro Root: a Super Food & Low Glycemic Food for Weight Loss
Taro Root or Yautia as it is called in Latin Countries, and Dasheen Roots as they are call in Hawaii, Eddoe as it is called in Japan, India, and China, and … grows all over the world, even in the US, and it’s a wonderful healing food that has many uses… and has more health benefits than potatoes.
Low Glycemic Index Food – Taro Root is a low glycemic index food that means it breaks down into glucose in the liver very slowly thus making it great for weight loss and for lowering blood sugar too making great for diabetics. And it also works wonders for those with hypoglycemia because it gives long lasting energy for a long period of time. And because it gives long lasting energy you don’t seem to get hungry… thus you lose weight. Taro Root contains lots of fiber that helps you feel full and also helps you lose weight.
Nutritious Food – Taro Root contains lots of vitamins A, C, B, and E vitamins as well as lots of trace minerals such as copper, magnesium, calcium, iron, selenium, manganese, zinc, potassium, and beta-carotene and cryptoxanthin which are great antioxidants helping to protect you from disease and slow the aging process… and a good amount of protein too! In fact Taro Root is more nutritious than potatoes and it’s a gluten free. Taro Root is a cholesterol free and low in sodium too, contains B vitamins important for boosting up your immune system… and it’s a good low fat food.
High in Vitamin A – Taro leaves can be cooked and eaten too, and they contain more than 160% of your daily requirement of Vitamin A. And the leaves and the roots contain polyphenols that are powerful antioxidants that protect from heart disease, strokes, and cancer.
High in Vitamin E and Magnesium – Taro Root is very high in Vitamin E thus helping to protect you from cancer and heart disease. And Taro Root has a good amount of potassium helping to lower blood pressure and help with fluid regulation. Plus Taro Root is a good source of magnesium that’s important for muscle, bone, and nerve health… and works to lower blood pressure and blood sugar too.
Amino Acids and Omega 3 oils – Taro Root contains over 17 different amino acids that are important for maintaining good health, and it also contains life giving Omega 3 and 6 oils which are important for cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, and for preventing disease in general.
Reduces Fatigue – Taro Root because of its low glycemic index is a great food for athletes… with long lasting energy without spikes in glucose.
Other Benefits – Taro Root also helps with irritability, lowers blood pressure, prevents cell damage, helps to protect from colds and flues, helps with skin rashes, nausea, and also helps to regulate cholesterol, builds strong bones, and supports thyroid function.
Great Flavor and Beautiful Plants– Taro Roots and leaves must be cooked, and the roots have a nutty flavor that’s wonderful, and the leaves can also be cooked… and some say they tastes like cabbage. The large leaves are called elephant ears and make wonderful ornamental plants… they are very beautiful.
Taro Roots can be used in all kinds of dishes from curries, to eating them boiled and mashed just like potatoes, and in just about any recipe that you use potatoes. Taro can also be roasted, boiled, steamed, fried for chips, made into cakes, purred, and just about any other way you want to use them… and you can find Taro Chips at your local super market.
You can buy Taro Roots at your local super market, at Asian markets, Latin American markets, and other ethnic stores.
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Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist, Counselor, and Spiritual Advisor for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Center for Creative Living Church, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas www.paulhaider.com.
Dr. Paul Haider is a Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at www.paulhaider.com - feel free to contact him any time.