The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 0
For example, it can adjust and shift areas related to:
- Your job
- Your interests and/or vocations
- Money
- Relationships
- Emotions
- Health
- Spirituality
- Traits or abilities
- Habits
- Your environment (home, family, co-workers, pets, property, spaces, etc.)
- Issues from the past
- Concerns about the future
- Specific upcoming events
Really, nothing is off-limits.
So how can this be?
How It Works
In a nutshell, here’s the basic idea.
First, everything physical is consciousness manifest.
You can think of it as a continuum with the field of pure potential at one end, and the time/space of physical manifestation at the other.
consciousness -> energy -> manifestation A small change at the most subtle levels of consciousness or energy — where patterns or “blueprints” exist — can create profound shifts in our lives.
QCs are concepts or frameworks within which a practitioner deliberately works (or plays) at those most subtle levels of consciousness to effect positive change for themselves or others.
So now, how is this actually done? Let’s see.
The Practice
First of all, nothing is being done by the practitioner. Really, they merely enter a particular state of consciousness, connecting consciously with the field of all possibilities, and “from there” facilitate a desirable manifestation to either occur instantly or unfold over time. If steps are used, they’re more a way to structure the inclusion of QC into a session than they are to “do” QC.
Here are some steps a QC practitioner might take:
Note: There are various ways to practice QC, so for examples such as this, we refer to a version called Holographic Emergence™ as it’s practiced right now.
OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality