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The Crazy Ride Finally Peaks: Astrology Forecast May 20-26

The Crazy Ride Finally Peaks: Astrology Forecast May 20-26

Monday:  Edginess, agitation and a nervous awareness that something’s coming mark the day. The Sun moves into Gemini and inspires running every which way. The Moon connects to the cosmic change agents and personalizes the demand to  break out of routines and make deep level shifts. We want to be done with this already, but the skies have other plans. Look for the silver linings (other people are involved). Conversations and messages take on importance late in the day. Powerful information is passed, and you have the choice to speak your truth. One tidbit in the flurry of exchanges could change your plans or thinking; welcome it.

Tuesday:  We get a rough early start to the day. The change agents are not allowing heads to hide under pillows, or issues to be swept under rugs. After jolting reminders of the morphing going on, positive reinforcement follows. You’re not in this alone; in fact, everything that’s crumbling and reconfiguring is encouraging talking and connecting, and pleasantly at that. Store up good vibes. As the day goes on, tension in the air could make you question yourself (please don’t) or your sanity (reality checks are always advisable).

Wednesday:  The overnight hours bring dreams that indulge a fantasy, find you choosing and getting comfortable with a course of action, and then feeling jittery a bout voicing it. Postpone acting on any of this. Big pushes won’t get anywhere yet, because the Moon is void of course from 3:36 AM – 4:50 PM EDT. Touchiness and suspicion cloud the air inside the void and after. Please strive to view yourself in the best possible light.  This is a productive night for putting writing materials at the bedside.

See Also
2019 Virgo Full Moon OMTimes

Thursday:  Guidance permeates the overnight hours. Dreams are filled with answers and with the sensation of being loved, connected and secure in your own skin. You’re still processing the latest installments of the ongoing imperative to change. Look for opportunities today to implement the ideas you’ve been entertaining (see bullet point 3 above). When you encounter communication and relationship crossroads, consider what you might adjust to reach a beneficial result. In case of an either/or situation, let your heart lead.

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