The Crazy Ride Finally Peaks: Astrology Forecast May 20-26

Friday: We have another day for hanging back and watching. The Moon is void of course from 9:56 AM to 5:50 PM EDT. This one could see an uncommon amount of activity, from people looking for external escape from an edgy atmosphere. As the Moon enters Sagittarius and begins her approach to fullness, your mind and heart fuse as Mercury and Venus meet. You know what you value and desire, and your words automatically and effortlessly convey that. Declarations of love and appreciation abound. With embraces comes the slamming of doors on the past. A new phase is here. The lunar eclipse culminates late tonight for the western three-fourths of the US, at 12:25 AM in the East. Read more about the eclipse in my mooncast, which will be posted later this week.
Saturday: You could wake up swearing you were on a midway with a funhouse and a spookhouse. Firm footing is yours in the waking world, though. Put yourself on the back for the baggage, skin and clutter you’ve shed. Proceed daringly and step out of your norm, even if it scares you. Remember that everyone is going through this. Everyone is raw and skittish and not used to proceeding as life is pushing them. Give people slack, and don’t take other people’s actions or reactions personally. Otherwise, shoving matches could take nasty turns.
Sunday: The overnight hours are rocky. The terrain is so different, inside and out. Inner children are flailing. Dreams vent fears and hesitations and anxieties that have been secretly building up and carefully kept at bay. Are recent developments too good to be true? Are you fooling yourself? Then why is your heart so happy, when the voices settle down? Questions like these occupy the void that fills the day, from 6:23 AM to 5:29 PM EDT. Change is intoxicating and unsettling, yet you are pushing for it anyway. Some of your existing obligations and arrangements no longer gibe with what you want and value — and with what you said and heard Friday night. Dust is settling, even after the Moon clears the void and enters sensible Capricorn. The evening is testy. Proceed with your eyes and heart open.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.