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There is Something Wrong with Her, They Said

There is Something Wrong with Her, They Said

By Cori Savenelli

Somebody told you once that the most important thing in life is too make enough money to support yourself and your family and if you do not, you were falling behind the crowd and were less important than those who achieved that success.

When they were done making you feel inadequate, stressed, anxious and pressured they asked you why you were never satisfied.

They told you to go “see someone”, to figure out what it was that made you so self-conscious and left you feeling like such a failure. “There’s something wrong with him”, they said.

Somebody told you once that if you only lost 15 pounds or got some “work done” that you would be beautiful and find the man of your dreams. If you did not, you would die alone and become an old maid. They told you that appearance and presentation was everything and if you did not outshine the others, you would fall behind the crowd and would be less lovable than those that achieved that success.

When they were done making you feel unattractive, worthless and ashamed they asked you why you had no self esteem and why you did everything in your power to avoid being the center of attention at all costs and in any situation.

They told you to go “see someone”, to figure out what it was that made you feel like such an ugly person who did not deserve happiness. “There’s something wrong with her”, they said.

Somebody told you once that boys don’t play with dolls and that if anyone saw you do that they would shun you and not want to be your friend.

When they were done making you feel out of place, confused and alone, they asked you why you never wanted to make new friends.

They told you to go “see someone”, to figure out what it was that made you so withdrawn and alone. “There’s something wrong with him”, they said.

Somebody told you once that being too opinionated and going against the crowd would label you a liability and that you would “never amount to anything with that combative attitude”.

When they were done making you feel that you had nothing of value to say, they asked you why you never strive to advance in your career.

When they were done making you feel stupid, they asked you why you were always jealous of successful people, hated authority and kept losing jobs.

They told you to go “see someone” to figure out what it was that made you so angry all the time. “There’s something wrong with him”, they said.

Somebody told you once not to think outside the box or believe in anything that the entire human race could not witness with their five senses because you would be labeled weird, flaky or insane and not taken seriously.

When they were done making you feel like your faith was misguided, they asked you why you behaved like a hermit and kept many of your thoughts to yourself and shared with only a select few.

They told you to go “see someone”, to figure out what it was that made you so mysterious, withdrawn and idealistic. “There’s something wrong with her”, they said.

Somebody told you once that if you did not have complete control over every aspect of your life, it would go haywire and that you would have no choice but to allow destiny to intervene, and naturally, that would be a bad thing.

When they were done scaring the heck out of you, they asked you why you never enjoyed yourself or found peace in leisure.

They told you to go “see someone” to figure out what it was that made you so rigid and guarded. “There’s something wrong with him”, they said.

See Also

Somebody told you once that the only person you could count on was yourself and that if you allowed anyone else to intervene, everything would go wrong and you would be hurt and scarred for the rest of your life.

When they were done making you feel that no one could be trusted, they asked you why you never allowed anyone to get close to you.

They told you to go “see someone” to figure out what it was that made you so cold and heartless. “There’s something wrong with her”, they said.

Somebody told you once that you were not beautiful, amazing, unique, wonderful, intelligent, capable, rare, lovable and worthy.

You told them that you went to “see someone” to figure out what it was that made you so broken, and when they asked you what that “someone” said, you answered “You.”

Although our loved ones mean so well, they are often misguided by unhappy life experiences and their own fears or issues.

Hear their voices, but translate the words into your own language, the spirit. Hear only the words, “I want you to be happy”. The formula for that result, is entirely up to you.

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