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Thomas Campbell – The Path Series

Thomas Campbell – The Path Series


By demanding high quality repeatable, empirical, evidential data to separate what’s real (exists independently and externally) from what’s imaginary or illusory, Campbell has scientifically derived this general model of reality.


OM Times Magazine has the pleasure to announce an exclusive interview with Thomas Campbell about the Nature of Human Consciousness and other extraordinary human experiences:

OMTIMES: How do you conciliate your career as a physicist and the integration of Technology of Spirit/abilities of consciousness?

TC:  No reconciliation is necessary, both physics and spirit are fully explained in detail by the same overarching understanding of reality. In other words, my work derives both physics and metaphysics as natural logical phenomena with no conflict between them from a more accurate picture of the nature of reality. The same overall MBT theory (an understanding (model) of reality as published in the My Big TOE trilogy with associated YouTube videos) that explains, metaphysics, spirituality, love, subjective experience, spirit, our origins and purpose, as well as the paranormal. It also derives relativity and quantum mechanics from basic principles and solves a host of other physics problems and paradoxes. This is a true big TOE (Theory of Everything). It is “big” because it not only explains objective reality and the major current mysteries of physics, but also explains consciousness – which, in turn, explains subjective reality and metaphysics.

See Also
Steve Farrell

OMTIMES: How do you differentiate what belongs to the realms of spiritual growth and out of body experiences from the paranormal experiences?

TC: They are all natural attributes of consciousness. Spiritual growth is a term for the positive evolution of consciousness quality – more scientifically, it represents a decrease in the entropy of individual and/or collective consciousness. OOBE is an experience of consciousness that occurs when one switches one’s awareness from the “physical” reality frame data stream to a data stream attached to “non-physical” reality frame. Paranormal experiences occur at the interface between “physical” and “non-physical” reality frames. These are short direct answers to the question. To enable the reader to fully understand these answers would take many, many pages. Some of the concepts needed are reality as information, consciousness as a nonphysical digital information system, the connection between love, consciousness, and entropy, the connection and interface between consciousness and physical reality, the next level of relativity wherein there is no preferred reality frame – whether a reality frame appears to be physical or nonphysical is dependent only on the observer, and the concept of reality being virtual (an idea that physics is beginning to embrace).

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