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Thomas Campbell – The Path Series

Thomas Campbell – The Path Series


The_Path_After_LIfeThe movie features 12 expert teachers, who all have a wealth of knowledge to contribute where matters of the soul, healing, life, death and the science behind these are concerned. Some of these include: nuclear physicist – Thomas Campbell, president of the Monroe Institute – Skip Atwater, and medical doctor – Robert Weissberg. See here the full list of the teachers and their specific areas of expertise.

The goal of the film is both to remove some of the stigma and fear associated with death, as well as explore and awaken people to expanded ideas about the soul, death, healing, spiritual realms and the afterlife. In doing so, it strives to answer the basic fundamental questions all of us have about life, death and the afterlife.

The film features a series of interviews from the experts, supportive footage, as well as some narration throughout.

The movie opens up with one of the experts, William Buhlman, explaining that “life is like a train ride”, except that most of us really have no idea where we are going in the end. Some of us have vague ideas, but deep within most of us really don’t know as to what happens when we die. Hence, there is so much fear and negativity associated with death. He thus leaves us with the question to begin our journey, as to “why are we accepting not knowing where we are going – why aren’t we seeking to find out?”

The movie can be seen as divided into 3 parts, which beneficially overlap each other.

See Also

Part one deals with uncovering some of the questions we have where matters of life and death are concerned, as well as sharing some of the personal experiences and understandings of the experts as to what death is and what happens to us in the afterlife.

The second part of the film goes into more of the science and facts associated with the afterlife, out of body experiences and other spiritual realms.

The last part of the film touches upon our beliefs about death and the afterlife. It examines where we get our beliefs, by doing an astounding comparison of religion versus spirituality. It then talks about some of the more difficult things to consider like traumatic deaths, suicides and the purpose souls play in each other’s lives.

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