Why Are The Pews So Empty?

By William Bezanson
Being both a Christian and a Rosicrucian makes me view the Christian teachings through a mystical viewpoint. I want to understand The Truth, or actuality, of God, and not simply a specific truth, or a reality as promoted by the organized religious teachings of the Christian church. The church teaches its truth in the form of a mythology; Jesus gave us The Truth in the form of symbolic, esoteric, mystical teachings. My quest is to understand, and follow, the latter teachings.
With this in mind, I offer the following dialogue in the hope of stimulating the evolution that, to my way of thinking, is needed for the Church to become renewed and to thrive.
Why are the pews so empty?
Because people are not being nourished in Church.
What would nourish them?
Spiritual food. People need to be taught about spiritual food, how to find it, how to choose the good food, how to consume it, and how to digest it. Such teaching is not being done in the modern Church.
What should be taught?
Mysticism. This means direct union with God.
What is being taught instead?
Religion. This is an indirect union with God.
What’s the difference?
In a religion, one has faith in the revelation of someone else, usually the founder or teacher of that religion. One gets information from scriptures of the religion, and one follows instructions and guidance of the priests and teachers of that religion.
With mysticism, one has one’s own revelations directly from God, not indirectly through someone else, or through writings or instructions of others.
Are you saying that the Church practices religion and not mysticism?
Is that why the pews are so empty?
Can the Church teach mysticism?
Yes, by liberating the church leaders to teach the people to practice mystical exercises, and to grow in Christian mystical spirituality.
What’s wrong with the traditional teachings?
They were appropriate for a less evolved people, with their stories and simple images and threats of consequences. But people have evolved, and they need more advanced teachings to help them to evolve still further. The Bible is taught as if it were literal and historical, when it actually should be interpreted symbolically and mythologically. Worshipping a remote and unattainable Jesus is not what is important, but awakening and nurturing the Christ within us.
Isn’t mysticism anti-Christian?
Jesus was a mystic. He was not a Christian, but a Jew. He practiced a form of Jewish and other mysticism. He would likely be very unhappy with today’s church and how it has misrepresented and distorted his original teachings.
Can you give me an example?
Yes. In John 14:12 (RSV), Jesus declares, “… he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do …” But the Church does not teach us how to do “the works”. Rather, it has robes and rubrics, rote recitation of prayers and petitions, and praising of Jesus. Jesus never asked to be praised. And he never asked to have a church founded in his name. He always taught of “The Father’s” glory, not his own.
What will happen if the Church does not change, to teach mysticism?
Pews will be even emptier. People want to embrace spirituality. If the Church will not give it to them, they will seek it elsewhere.
Where will they find it?
Some will look to other religions. But the true seekers will explore various organizations for mystical and spiritual teachings. These include New Age groups; mystical and initiatic orders; study groups in mythology, symbolism, and esoteric knowledge; spiritual Alchemy and the Kabbalah; Martinism, Freemasonry, and Rosicrucianism; and various others.
Where can I find such groups?
Ask your priest or clergy. If he or she will not tell you or help you find a suitable group, he or she will soon be out of a job. The pews will be totally empty. Lots of groups will come forward to fill the void. Then you can easily find one.
But let us hope that your priest will indeed help you, rather than hold you back in your spiritual quest. If your priest has your real interest at heart, then he or she will help you truly to evolve, and in so doing, help the church evolve.
Is there hope for the Church?
Yes, of course there is. The Church is headed by God; therefore it cannot fail. What will facilitate its success is for mankind to listen attentively for God’s guidance for its Church, and courageously to follow that guidance. Besides, it isn’t the Church for which we should seek hope, but for mankind. And, yes, there is great hope for mankind. People are evolving. The Church can help or hinder their evolution. The hope lies in helping.
William Bezanson is a retired engineer, fulfilling his passion for writing. His most recent book is Abandoned Shopping Carts: Personal and Spiritual Responsibility; this article is adapted from that book. He is a long-standing member of a Rosicrucian order and two related initiatic, mystical orders, as well as the Anglican Church of Canada. His mission in life it to help to bring about a Spiritual State in this Mundane World. He lives with his wife in Ottawa, Canada, and they have six adult children.
To learn more about him, visit his website.
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