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Why Would You Want to Clear Your Chakras?

Why Would You Want to Clear Your Chakras?

By Lynn Zambrano

Are there positive results of a chakra clearing? Yes, cleared chakras have benefits which include the release of stress, calming emotions, improved physical health, increased focus and mental clarity.

How do you tell which of your Chakras are strong, and which need repairing? Take a look at the circumstances in your life.

The Root Chakra relates to money and your career and is your foundation.

Location: Base of the spine

Influences: your career, money mindset and sense of belonging.

Energies: Earth, grounding, focusing, centering

Archetype: Victim, Good Mother

Affirmation; I feel grounded support under my feet and am unconditionally loved. I am safe.

 The Sacral Chakra relates to your sexuality and creativity.

Location: Lower abdomen

Influences: sexuality, creativity and emotions

Energies: Fire, energizing, charging

Archetype: Emperor/Empress, Martyr

Affirmation: I welcome and acknowledge all my feelings and desires. I am easily able to discern which support me, and which need to be released.

The Solar Plexus Chakra relates to personal power

Location: Above the navel

Influences: your personal power and intellectual ability, ability to manifest

Energies: Fire, energizing, charging, lends energy

Archetypes: spiritual warrior, slave

Affirmation: I honor my truth and my body. I am powerful.

The Heart Chakra relates to your relationships

Location: Center of the chest

Influences: love, relationships and self-acceptance.

Energies: Water, calming, soothes, relaxes

Archetypes: Lover, Performer

Affirmation: I am deeply loved and very lovable.

The Throat Chakra relates to your communication and self-expression

Location: Throat

Influences: true self-expression

Energies: Water, calming, soothes, relaxes

Archetypes: Communicator, Masked Self

Affirmation: In silence I hear my deepest truth and it from there I speak my truth.

The Third Eye Chakra relates to your intuition

Location: Center of the forehead

Influences: your perception

Energies: Air, meditative, intuition, promotes thought

Archetypes: Wise Elder, Skeptic

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Affirmation: I see with clarity through the eyes of Source.

The Crown Chakra relates to your connection to source.

Location: Top of the head

Influences; link to the Divine

Energies: Air, meditative, intuition, promotes thought

Archetypes: Sage, Egoist

Affirmation: I trust the higher power and know that I am one with all that exists.

You can restore the flow and clear any stagnation or blockages from the chakras using the following techniques:

Massage: Each chakra has a physical point that responds to massage. Massage is administered by using a small circular stroke in a clockwise direction in the area corresponding to the chakra.

Yoga: opens up your energy lines and increases energetic flow

Meditation: rebalances chakras by increasing energy flow; enhancing relaxation, clarity, and healing.

Visualization: Seeing the vortex of chakra energy vibrant with color and spinning optimally will reset the centers to proper alignment.

Affirmations: Positive statements that reinforce healthy energy flow in each chakra center.

Energetic healing is another way to restore balance and flow to your chakra centers. There are many modalities and healers which are able to do this. Healers are those persons who have a gift of sensing and feeling anothers energy and are trained in energy movement.

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Lynn Zambrano R.N. is an Empath, Intuitive Counselor, Energetic Healer, Life Coach. My sessions are filled with compassion and designed to reveal your personalized, heart-centered guidance. Twitter and Facebook, or email her at  You can also visit Lynn at and supremepsychics.

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