Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 0

30 Days to Your Conscious, Friendly Mind
By Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari
Radiant Spirits and Embodiments of Pure Joy,
Are you ready to have positive faith in your own self and have doors open to a simple and clearer understanding of the path of the spirit? People who have read my book Making Your Mind Your Best Friend, which 30 Days to Your Conscious, Friendly Mind is based on, say that they have found answers to their most unresolved questions about life and living. My prayer is this challenge will open your hearts to the simple truth that we can all channel our energies toward a healthy body and mind and the inner world of conscious, spiritual happiness.
Before you embark on this journey with me, please deeply ponder these questions:
Are you tired of searching for your best friend, only to find that friend can suddenly turn into a hurtful stranger?
Are you restless, always searching for the next, the next, the next quick fix self-help book?
Do you hunger for something deeper; can you commit to putting forth your best effort?
Have you tried meditating only to find your monkey mind chattering more the moment you sit down? Has the peace of meditation eluded you?
Have you walked away from conversations with people and deeply regretted something you said? Have you tried to change everyone else, and now are ready to change yourself?
Do you long for a deeper connection with your spiritual Self, with the Divine?

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