Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 0

Befriend Your Spirit and the Spirit of Others Will Befriend You
When you embark upon the journey of befriending the Spirit within, then the Spirit in others starts to befriend you! You will have an expanding world of friends and well wishers from all over the world for the simple reason that you will train your mind to see only its beauty and divinity. Right at the Center of your heart sits your Spirit Within; call it God, or whatever name you wish.
Everything starts with your love for God or the Unseen Force that seems to guide the destiny and course of all beings and trillions of solar systems. Your mind has to find a higher goal in life, and anchor in the very root of its own conscious existence. It has to slow down, allowing space for peace. You have to purify your mind in order to feel its intrinsic peace and tranquility that happens through meditation on the Higher Light, the Radiance of the Divinity.
Gradually Your Transformation from Within Happens
This 30-day challenge is the blueprint for your path to freedom from all negative situations within and without. Don’t just read the daily blogs, it won’t do you any good. Read each paragraph; meditate deeply on it, journal about it. Gradually the transformation from within will start in your life. Until and unless your inner changes, nothing changes. The transformation of the inner happens only when you are committed with trust and hard work.

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality