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30 Days of Healing Food – Day 10

30 Days of Healing Food – Day 10

Eat Plant Based Whole Foods – Even nationally acclaimed MD websites have said that vegetarian eating would be of benefit for children. And it is! We only need about 5 to 6% protein and that is exactly what we find in plant based foods including nuts, lentils, beans, soy, and plant based foods in general. When we give our bodies processed white flour, sugar, salt, and other processed foods… we are giving it way too much empty nutrition that our pancreas changes into fat.

But whole foods don’t do that… whole foods are slowly digested and thus slowly breakdown and go into our system with long lasting results of increased energy without spikes in glucose… and they are pack full of good nutrition.

Lots of life giving nutrition is found in the skins of fruits, veggies, and the brown coverings of whole grains. Whole life giving foods contain live enzymes that are not found in processed foods. Whole foods contain fiber that promotes colon health, thus boosts the immune system. That’s why it’s very important to eat whole grains, whole live fruits, and whole live veggies that are organic and non – GMO.

Eating lots of fresh veggies, fresh fruit, and whole grains (cooked) is very important for healthy children. Plates of food should be colorful with lots of green, red, yellow, purple, orange, and other highly colorful foods, because colorful food is jam packed full of great immune boosting flavonoids that do the body good, plus live enzymes.

See Also

Cooked verses Fresh – The body sees cooked food as an invader and starts an increase in white blood cells to combat the invader. Not so with fresh live foods, fresh food is welcomed into the body right away… especially live juices, they are used within 15 minutes, not so with store bought juices. So in order to stop this cooked food immune response that can lead to autoimmune problems later in life it’s very important to eat at least 51% live foods and some people recommend up to 75%. At the same time children need whole grains and other foods that should be cooked such as brown rice, lentils, soy, quinoa, sweet potatoes, and more.

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