30 Days of Healing Food – Day 21

30 Days of Healing Food Day 21
The Health Benefits of Pumpkin Pie… It Can Be Healthy
By Dr. Paul Haider
Pumpkin pie does have great health benefits… and if you lower the fat and sugar content of your pie it’s really good for you.
Pumpkin contains lots of betacarotene which gives it that great orange color, thus pumpkin pie is filled with lots of wonderful antioxidants that boost your immune system… thus helping to cut your risk of colon, esophagus, stomach and colon cancer, even heart disease, strokes… and other debilitating diseases.
Pumpkin contains a large amounts of iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, Vitamin C, E, and K and B Vitamins too!
Pumpkin contains lots of Vitamin A, in fact you get enough Vitamin A from just one slice of pie to protect your eyes from diseases… and boost your immune system too. Pumpkin pie contains lots of zeathanthin and lutein that are important for preventing macular degeneration and cataracts.
Pumpkin contains lots of great fiber that lowers cholesterol and improve movement of digested food through your colon thus helping to prevent colon cancer.
Pumpkin pie contains a large amount of zinc that’s important for improving on your immune system thus keeping colds and flues away.
And pumpkin is low in fat… thus pumpkin is considered a great super food.
Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols that lower cholesterol, prevent enlargement of the prostate and even help in the prevention of bladder stones.
Pumpkin pie spices are full of lots of great antioxidants.

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