30 Days of Healing Food – Day 23

In QiGong Medicine in China, Fuyu Persimmons are thought to be full of great “Chi” vital energy that keeps the meridians of the body flowing and activated. Fuyu Persimmons are interesting that if you eat them raw they are great for treating constipation, and if you cook them they are wonderful for treating diarrhea… they have the best of both worlds.
Persimmon leaves made into a tea are great for lowering blood pressure because they contain nitric oxide which is a powerful vasodilator. And persimmon leaves also contain lots of great nutrients, just about as much as the fruit it self, and are full of Vitamin C… in fact they contain up to 20 times the amount of Vitamin C found in green tea. And the tea is great for combining with aloe vera and applying to the skin for bruises and for preventing age related skin problems. And in Japan Persimmon Leaf tea is thought to prevent skin cancer, flues, and colds. Plus Persimmon Leaf Tea is known to lower cholesterol and help prevent cardiovascular disease… and Persimmon Leaf Tea works amazingly well for allergies too!
Fuyu Persimmons can be eaten fresh like apples, they taste great, and they can also be made into cakes, cookies, puddings, sauces, mousse, chutney, put in salads, and just about any way you might use apples. They make great smoothies, and adding cinnamon and allspice when cooking makes them taste wonderful! In Japan dried persimmons are very popular as gifts for the New Year.

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