30 Days of Healing Food – Day 9
Chia lowers blood sugar levels, cholesterol and trigs, and gives you a boost of powerful energy, and the Native Americans gave it to their warriors and runners as a super food. Chia also has tryptophan which is a sleep inducing protein that induces sleep. And chia seeds are packed full of insoluble fiber, soluble fiber, and nutrients that promote the growth of good bacteria in your colon.
Flax contain lignans that help with hormone balance, fertility, and help with menopause too. And flax are also packed full of Omega 3 oils and lots of good fiber to lower cholesterol and maintain a powerful immune system. They also contain magnesium, B Vitamins and manganese too, plus they stabilize blood sugar and sooth the GI tract… and keep it moving… and prevent diabetes. Flax seeds are low in carbs and thus work well for weight loss, and they give you that full feeling so you eat less.
Flax also contains polyphenols like green tea and have lots of antioxidants that help prevent cancer. And studies show that people who eat one ounce of ground flax seeds daily reduce their metabolic syndrome by 20%.
Slipper Elm and Marshmallow Root – Slippery elm and marshmallow root powder comes from the inner lining of a elm tree and the roots of the marshmallow plant… and when mixed with water creates a slippery mucus like material that works wonders for IBS, Crohn’s disease, acid reflux, gastric ulcers, constipation and diarrhea. They also help with heartburn and can sooth away gas and irritation especially when combined with activated charcoal, and they detox the body too!
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