30 Days of Self Healing – Day 14

5 Foods that Self-Heal (part 4)
“We are what we eat”
Dr. Fabrizio Mancini Something amazing happens when you begin to eat healing foods and give your body a break from junk foods, bad fats, refined flour, and sugar. Your body may shed up to ten pounds of excess water weight, and your energy soars. You get your digestion working properly again, stop feeling so bloated and congested, and maximize your self-healing potential.
The scientific research is loaded with proof of how proper nutrition can heal. There are thousands of studies, for example, showing that a diet heavy in fruits and vegetables protects against heart disease and cancer. Maybe we really don’t need to throw so many pills and drugs at a disease, just more fruits and vegetables!
All whole foods are self-healing, but I’ve zeroed in on 5 foods that have special powers. I’ve compiled this list after consulting nutrition experts and reading hundreds of studies. I call these foods the strengtheners. All of them fight disease, promote a strong immune system, and provide nutrients you need to feel great. Try to include as many as possible in your diet. Simply put, when you eat well, you feel well.
Add these to your daily diet:
1) Olive Oil– Being of Italian descent on my father’s side, I feel like it’s mandatory to use olive oil, and I love it on salads and in pasta dishes. Unlike most oils, olive oil is packed with plenty of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, as well as antioxidants. It really is one of the healthiest oils you can use. Olive oil:

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