30 Days of Self Healing – Day 14

a) Reduces blood pressure
b) Protects against heart disease
c) Reduces risk of ovarian cancer
Even though it’s a beneficial fat, olive oil is rather high in calories— more than 100 calories in one tablespoon—but you don’t need a lot to take advantage of its self-healing powers.
2) Onions- I’m always amazed when people order salads or sandwiches and say, “No onions, please!” If they only knew about the incredible self- healing power of onions. Onions:
a) Help prevent arteries from clogging
b) Contain beneficial compounds that prevent the formation of dangerous blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks
c) Are high in saponins, which prevent cancer cells from multiplying
d) Are rich in allylic sulfides, which usher carcinogens from the body, decrease tumor production, and fortify your immune system
e) Are high in quercetin, another anti-cancer phytochemical ?Once you understand how healthy onions are, I hope you’ll consider keeping them on your plate!
3) Oranges- Oranges are best known for their vitamin C content, an immune- boosting vitamin. But oranges (and other citrus fruits) are also loaded with an array of self-healing properties. Oranges:
a) Contain hesperin, a natural compound (a flavonoid) that protects against cancer, heart disease, infections, asthma, and inflammation
b) Are high in beta-cryptoxanthin, a pigment that shows promise for preventing heart disease
c) Are packed with pectin, known to help lower cholesterol
d) Are full of two heart-healthy nutrients: potassium, which helps control blood pressure; and folic acid, a B vitamin known to lower levels of homocysteine in the blood (homocysteine is a harmful protein that has been linked to heart disease) ?Help yourself to at least one citrus fruit daily to reap all these self- healing benefits.

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