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30 Days of Self Healing – Day 14

30 Days of Self Healing – Day 14


4) Red Bell Peppers– Red bell peppers have the highest antioxidant activity of the most common vegetables (broccoli was second), says a Cornell University study. This means that antioxidants in red peppers are highly effective at protecting cells from damage. In other research, antioxidants from red peppers, cabbage, and spinach have been found to stop the spread of liver cancer cells cultured in lab dishes. ?Use red bell peppers on salads every chance you get, or stuff them with low-fat meat and brown rice as part of your self-healing meals.

5) Salmon– I love salmon for its taste, but it also tops the fish list for its impressive résumé of healing benefits. Salmon is loaded with omega-3 fats, known to combat heart disease, cancer, dementia, depression, and even obesity. Salmon is also:

a)      High in easily digested protein to help the body repair


b)      A great source of health-protective vitamin D

c)     Rich in the antioxidant mineral selenium, which protects cells and helps the body build new protein.

Ask for wild salmon at your grocery store, as it contains fewer toxins than the farmed variety.

See Also
Darity Wesley


* For more Self-Healing foods, read Chapter one of The Power of Self-Healing (Hay House).


Dr. Fabrizio Mancini is a Wellness Expert; an internationally acclaimed educator, philanthropist, bilingual speaker; and President Emeritus of Parker University in Dallas, Texas. He is the best-selling author of The Power of Self-Healing and Feeling Fab: Four Steps to Living a Fabulous Life, and the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul and The Well-Adjusted Soul.?A frequent guest of radio and television programs, Dr. Mancini has been featured on Dr. Phil, The Doctors, Fox News, and numerous syndicated morning shows. He also has his own popular weekly radio show, Self-Healing with Dr. Fab, on Dr. Mancini has given testimony to the White House Commission for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and served on the Texas Governor’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness. His commitment to keeping the Hispanic community informed of healthy habits has led to numerous appearances on CNN Español, Univision, Telemundo, and MundoFox.? After nine years in private practice, Dr. Mancini became one of the youngest presidents of a college or university when he was chosen to lead Parker University in 1999. During his 13 years as president, he guided the university to historic educational and professional achievements. He now practices in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Mancini’s tireless efforts to improve lives have been recognized with numerous honors, including Heroes for Humanity, Humanitarian of the Year, CEO of the Year, and induction into the Wellness Revolutionaries Hall of Fame. He was recently chosen as the namesake for the library at UNEVE, one of Mexico’s leading universities. Dr. Mancini is also a graduate of the prestigious Institute for Educational Management in the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University.

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