30 Days of Self Healing – Day 20

You have the Power to Change
“Embrace change and you will live to your optimal potential.”
Dr. Fabrizio Mancini
In order to move forward, we must acknowledge the things that are holding us back. For many of us, it’s our lifestyle—the choices, behaviors, actions, and beliefs that define who we are and how we live. Changing something as fundamental and deep-seated as how we’ve lived our lives for years can be scary. However, I’ve learned that you can choose to see that change is good. When you open yourself up to new experiences, no matter how scary they may seem, you’ll be surprised at all the good that can come from them. The key is to see change as an opportunity for personal growth and professional development.
Here’s an example: When I was twelve years old, my parents announced we were moving to the United States from Colombia, South America—the country where I was born and the only place I had ever known. My father was frustrated with his job, and he and my mother knew that a life in the United States would provide greater opportunities for the family. So, they packed up our belongings, said goodbye to our relatives, and set off for Miami, Florida.
I can still remember the fear and anxiety I felt leaving behind the environment, customs, and traditions I thought were mine forever. Instead, I found myself entering a new country where everyone spoke a language I did not know and lived in a culture I did not understand. When I entered school, I was sent back two grades because the school did not have a second language program. I sat next to the only student in the class who spoke Spanish, and she would translate what we learned in class every day. I spent at least two hours after class each day going over the material and slowly learning English in the process.

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