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30 Days of Self Healing – Day 5

30 Days of Self Healing – Day 5

Embrace your own UNIQUENESS in Healing

“Each one of us is different in so many ways—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—and we all have unique needs when it comes to our health care.”

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini

Ideally we should be treated based on our individuality, yet medical science prefers to treat the disease with standard protocols or treatments, rather than treat the whole person.

Of course, we are conditioned to run to the doctor after symptoms occur and get a prescription for a drug, which may or may not work. We want the symptom treated, and we ignore that perhaps the underlying cause should be treated. I believe, too, that we relegate most, if not all, of our decision-making authority to our medical doctors. All this does is foster dependence, and it undermines our personal responsibility for gaining and keeping our good health.

Dependence on third parties is not the best possible path to health and self-healing. It’s up to us—as individuals—to be the keepers and protectors of our own health. Statistics prove my point: the health-care system affects only about 10 percent of our health out- come; the remaining 90 percent is determined by lifestyle choices, and how and where we live. Health-care providers have little control over those things, but we certainly do! And I am on a mission to help people everywhere realize that health and healing is within their own grasp.

There are so many positive steps you can take toward self-healing, and I’m going to show you which ones are best. Granted, not all of them will resonate with you, or even work for your lifestyle, but I encourage you to try each step you can and use the ones that fit in with your way of being in the world. And don’t even think beyond today! Make a choice to take one or two positive actions for your health each day. Do that every day, and you’ll accumulate the rewards of health—rewards that will improve your odds against everything from heart disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes to arthritis, allergies, colds, flu, and more. What are some of the best surprises of a self-healed life?  Take a look:

1)     Surges of energy that result from healthy living

2)     Renewed happiness and joy

3)     Newfound optimism

See Also
Darity Wesley

4)     An emotional and spiritual connection to your own well-being

5)     A life that feels more in focus


Dr. Fabrizio Mancini is a Wellness Expert; an internationally acclaimed educator, philanthropist, bilingual speaker; and President Emeritus of Parker University in Dallas, Texas. He is the best-selling author of The Power of Self-Healing and Feeling Fab: Four Steps to Living a Fabulous Life, and the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul and The Well-Adjusted Soul.?A frequent guest of radio and television programs, Dr. Mancini has been featured on Dr. Phil, The Doctors, Fox News, and numerous syndicated morning shows. He also has his own popular weekly radio show, Self-Healing with Dr. Fab, on Dr. Mancini has given testimony to the White House Commission for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and served on the Texas Governor’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness. His commitment to keeping the Hispanic community informed of healthy habits has led to numerous appearances on CNN Español, Univision, Telemundo, and MundoFox.? After nine years in private practice, Dr. Mancini became one of the youngest presidents of a college or university when he was chosen to lead Parker University in 1999. During his 13 years as president, he guided the university to historic educational and professional achievements. He now practices in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Mancini’s tireless efforts to improve lives have been recognized with numerous honors, including Heroes for Humanity, Humanitarian of the Year, CEO of the Year, and induction into the Wellness Revolutionaries Hall of Fame. He was recently chosen as the namesake for the library at UNEVE, one of Mexico’s leading universities. Dr. Mancini is also a graduate of the prestigious Institute for Educational Management in the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University.


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